Search Results

  1. amelianz

    RELENTLESS Inappropriate urination in 5mth old kitten.

    I'd like to thank everyone for their help. We toom Polo to the vet today and it turns out he has crystals in his urine which mske urination very painful for him. I feel awful that we didn't get him checked sooner but we assumed he was abused by his breeder. He is having his kidneys checked...
  2. amelianz

    RELENTLESS Inappropriate urination in 5mth old kitten.

    Hey, thanks for the replies again. Andrya -- he has 2 litter boxes in the lounge and he used both of them previously (when I made him!). I changed one of them from wood pellets to clay stuff. As soon as I changed it he won't use it at all, not even for defecation. May try changing it to...
  3. amelianz

    RELENTLESS Inappropriate urination in 5mth old kitten.

    Thank you, I'll have a look. Never bought of Amazon before as I am from New Zealand. Are there any types of litter which you recommend/don't recommend? Should I try changing his litter or keep as-is?
  4. amelianz

    RELENTLESS Inappropriate urination in 5mth old kitten.

    Thank you for the replies!!  Regarding the food, we have always fed our previous cats on dry-only -- is this bad? Polo used to get pretty bad tummy problems when we got him and always had the "runs". This is the only food we have found him on which he seems to be okay on -- we didn't try wet...
  5. amelianz

    RELENTLESS Inappropriate urination in 5mth old kitten.

    Hello everyone. Before I begin I would like to mention that I have spoken to our vet, read many articles and read the information in the sticky in this forum about innaproprate urination and can't seem to find anything that has helped. I am posting here in desperation as an absolute last...
  6. 10157219_10152094432413505_2095930286198724181_n.j

