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  1. amylase126

    Random Heart Melting Photo Thread

    Hehe thank you! He's my little cuddle bug (usually! ha). He's a seal point devon rex. Just about to be five months old!
  2. amylase126

    Random Heart Melting Photo Thread

    He's my baby boy   I've never had a cat before him, so it's all new and exciting to me! Yup, he is indeed a seal-point devon rex! He'll be five months old at the end of the month 
  3. Random Heart Melting Photo Thread

    Random Heart Melting Photo Thread

  4. amylase126

    Random Heart Melting Photo Thread

    Here's my little stinker, Momo. He's such a camera ham! He was soooo excited about that plastic straw ha. Kept him entertained for hours.
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  8. amylase126

    Post a picture of your cat yawning ;)

    lol it's way too blurry for my liking (was taking a photo on my iPhone and he randomly yawned during it), but its the only one i've got.
  9. Post a picture of your cat yawning ;)

    Post a picture of your cat yawning ;)

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    Screen Shot 2014-02-10 at 9.27.28 AM.png

  11. amylase126

    Thursdays Question of the Day 1.16.14

    Go back home and go to sleep! I have a really bad cold, but it's busy season at work so I can't take the day off. I need to get better though because I'm getting married in 16 days!
  12. amylase126

    Hi Everyone - from Momo

    Thank you! :) Thank you   he is definitely crazy! he runs up and down my legs for about an hour every morning before I go to work and then just passes out haha. I can't believe how fast he is growing! It's crazy, I go to work in the morning (my fiancé is home with him during the day) and I...
  13. amylase126

    Thursdays question of the day- 1.9.14

    Momo is just over 3 months old and my fiancé and I adopted him on December 14th, 2013. Braved driving two hours in the first big midwestern blizzard and being stuck on the highway for 3 hours because of an overturned semi to get him.
  14. amylase126

    Wednesday's Question of the Day: volunteer work?

    I had to volunteer in high school to be a member of the National Honor Society. I was a volunteer tutor for a lot of the time, mostly in chemistry and mathematics (ended up getting a degree in theoretical math when I went to college ha). I also volunteered at my local library in junior high/high...
  15. Hi Everyone - from Momo

    Hi Everyone - from Momo

  16. amylase126

    Hi Everyone - from Momo

    Hi everybody! I've been lurking around this site for sometime, but I've officially joined now that I'm a new, first-time kitten mama. I grew up with dogs my whole life, but now living in an apartment with my fiancé, I decided a kitten was the way to go, and it's a major learning curve ha. Here's...
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