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  1. K

    Cat Urinating Out of His Box!

    Thanks for the reply.  I haven't sprayed him since he responded that he didn't understand that what he was doing was wrong.  Right after I posted, he actually pooped on the rug!!  Which was really a first!!  I'm going to get him to a vet.  Again, thanks. The Katzmeow
  2. K

    Cat Urinating Out of His Box!

    Hello Everyone ~ I'm new here.  I have 3 cats.  One is 6, one 5, and the last I just rescued as a kitten 5 months ago. (All are rescues, all are male and all get along fine.) The 5-year-old has been peeing outside of his box for the last several months and it is driving me nuts.  Prior to this...
  3. K

    Help! Worried about bump on my cat's head!!

    If/when you take your cat to the vet and get a diagnosis, please tell us what it was. Thanks, Katzmeow