Search Results

  1. ewells1014

    Anyone Use Bravecto?

    ive been using Revolution on my kitties for as long as I can remember and it has always worked great. I was about to order some, and an ad for Bravecto popped up. From what I can tell, it seems to treat/control basically the same conditions as revolution does, but it lasts for 2 to 3 months...
  2. ewells1014

    How To Keep Other Animals From Eating Cat Food Outside?

    I posted a question the other day asking about the sex of a cat. Long story short, we have decided to keep the stray kitty that found us. I took him to the vet yesterday and other than some worms, he is the picture of health. I got him his rabies shot, he was dewormed, and he will be neutered...
  3. ewells1014

    Male Or Female?? (i Feel So Dumb, Lol)

    So this sweet (SWEEEEEET) stray turned up on our front porch last night, and based on a quick glance to his rear end, I assumed it was a male. Since he's STILL here today, and is super friendly, I've been petting him, picking him up, etc. His belly is very, very firm--not huge, but still...
  4. ewells1014

    Cats groomed each other and licked frontline plus off

    I've been lax with using Frontline Plus and as a result, my two kitties got fleas. I gave them both one Capstar tablet then applied one pipette each of Frontline plus to their necks/shoulder blades. They groom each other and I'm pretty sure my female licked a bunch of the medicine off of my...
  5. ewells1014

    First vomiting and now scratching

    A couple days last week, our cat started vomiting white foam several times a day.  Occasionally it would have a blade or two of grass in it, but for the most part, it just looked like saliva.  I looked it up, and found that it's not too serious as a rule--just means they're vomiting on an empty...
  6. ewells1014

    Can cats cough??

    I adopted a 16 week old kitten from the SPCA almost two weeks ago.  Several days after I got her, I took her to the vet for an exam just to make sure she was healthy because I noticed she was a bit wobbly in her back legs, and she kept scratching her ears.  After an exam (including a rectal exam...
  7. ewells1014

    Broken foot and 105 fever

    My cat spent the night outside last night against my wishes (normally I'll call him for a minute or two before I head to bed, and he runs in).  He came in this morning limping and made a beeline to the arm chair and curled up behind it.  This is extremely strange for him--on the rare occasion...
  8. ewells1014

    What is this wound??? :(

    First of all, sorry for the crummy picture quality (cell phone camera and cat who didn't want to have his injury disturbed!).  My 8-9 month old cat is indoor/outdoor throughout the day, and he stays inside at night.  A few hours ago he was sitting on my lap and he was fine.  I let him out for a...