Search Results

  1. D

    Oliver won't drink from a bowl

    Yea! Thank you for the advice, I did some on-line research and spoke to some pet people on the phone, and have found the fountain I want, in my town, on sale. The store is moving so  all their wares are on sale, so Cleo might get some of the awesome Hagen food maze and toy stuff! I will post...
  2. D

    Oliver won't drink from a bowl

    Thank you, I had not heard of them before joining this site. I'm an unemployed full-time student, we are living off of my husband's wage. Do you  recommend any style/brand over others, this is probably a one shot deal, as I can't afford to buy more than one.
  3. D

    Oliver won't drink from a bowl

    This issue is why I joined this forum. My cat is healthy, happy, house cat, who is 8 years old. Cleo has become increasingly fussy about her water and is becoming a real pain in the butt. Her current preferred choice is to lick the plastic lufa mesh thingy that hangs under the tub faucet. Its...