Search Results

  1. P

    Pawing at walls

    Oh and she doesn't use her nails on the walls (clawing was my first thought), she paws enough that you can heard her nail just graze the wall but it's mostly her paw pads (haha if that makes since? :P)
  2. P

    Pawing at walls

    Thank you for your replays :) Yes she's been desexed, she also has two main scratching post and we play with her daily (so she get a lot of exercise, and play time) she also has little toys around the place she plays with....
  3. P

    Pawing at walls

    We rescued a stay kitten just under a year ago, she's a little shy and doesn't like loud noises, everything was going fine, until a few mouths ago she started pawing at the walls and doors. She does it alot at the door hinges, (while the door is open and against the wall she'll get between them...
  4. P

    What Breed is My Cat?

    I'm actually in Australia :)
  5. What Breed is My Cat?

    What Breed is My Cat?

  6. P

    What Breed is My Cat?

    I got these two cuties from the local pound, we've guessed at what they could have in them or at lest what breads they look like, ( The Maine coon, Norwegian forest cat or the Somali cat)
  7. P1050596.JPG


  8. P1040787.JPG


  9. P1050538.JPG

