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  1. C

    My cat is obsessed with going outside

    I'm so happy I saw this thread! I have a 2 year old female cat named Gabby who recently started darting out the door every time she gets a chance, she doesn't run away, she just likes to lay on the sidewalk and roll around, when i make her come inside, she scratches at the door and screen and...
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    Happy that your cat is going in the box GL! Men would risk it SMH
  3. C

    Help !!!!!!! 6 month old kitty is being agressive after being neutered

    Thank you guys for your advice. I set him up in my room and gave him some space, in the middle of the night he jumped in bed with me and turned into his cute purr monster self. I am so happy he is feeling better. He hasn't been eating, i'm just hoping that he is just still in too much pain too.
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    Help !!!!!!! 6 month old kitty is being agressive after being neutered

    Thank You so much for the reply. They didn't give me any pain medicine, the poor little guy, he looks so sad. The other cats are fine with him, it's him who is hissing at the other cats which is very odd because our other male cat and Tigger are usually inseparable, they are buddies like two...
  5. C

    The best cats are the ones that find you

    I completely agree, The way that you write it's almost as if I can picture how beautifully it flows in my head. I envy you.
  6. C

    Help !!!!!!! 6 month old kitty is being agressive after being neutered

    I have 3 cats a male he is 4 his name is Yagar, Gabby she is a 3 year old female and Tigger who is a 6 month old kitty. I took Tigger to get neutered today and after it was ok for him to come out of the crate i let him out and he started running around the house screaming, hissing at me and the...