Search Results

  1. chrystal dawn

    Nashville Cat Rescue Nashville Cat Rescue is ready to save even more lives of the neglected and unwanted cats in Middle Tennessee and we need your help! All donations are tax deductible. We do not have any paid staff and all funds...
  2. chrystal dawn

    Kittens in my bed! HELP!!!

    I adopted two Cornish Rexes from a kitten mill situation just before Christmas and I found out when I took them in to get fixed that the female was pregnant.  They were very stand-offish at first, which is not a Cornish Rex personality at all.  They didn't seem to understand being indoor cats...
  3. chrystal dawn

    Hello from Nashville, TN!

    I haven't had a cat in almost ten years and I've had two come into my life in the past 5 weeks.  A little, three week old kitten that I found in front of a Dollar General and then last week an old man Rex who I got through misinformation and bad communication.  A friend's friend's brother in law...