Search Results

  1. djoe

    Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex Or Linear Granuloma - Getting Worse

    Hello catlovers, I am back after a while seeking advice from your knowledge and experience. My cat (rescued 5 years ago, spayed, male) has been suffering from ECG or linear granuloma since he was 1 (maybe even less). It used to appear much less agressive, wirh only small lesions the size of a...
  2. djoe

    scabies or mange? moma cat aggressive with kittens

    Hi all, Don't ask me what's with the cats these days! I got a call from a friend in Iraq! Telling me that the cat in their compound had delivered about 2 weeks ago - I think she mentioned 5 kitties. The mother apparently is losingher fur and has blood coming out of her skin. She is also...
  3. djoe

    Linear Granuloma treatment for outdoor cats.

    Hi all, A couple of months ago my foster cat (9 months then) was diagnosed with linear granuloma. We switched to hypoallergenic Royal Canin food, and a course of antibiotics, he responded to that, but not entirely. The vet then prolonged the treatment, until it was all cleared out.  I had to...
  4. djoe

    Help me help these kittens I found!

    Hi all,  some of you remember me from the threads about three orphaned kittens i fostered last summer, Qays, Gebran and Cynthia. Thanks to your help, we managed to nurse them to life, and give them a healthy and beautiful second chance after their momma died. It seems it is my fate to run into...
  5. djoe

    Separating from my fosters

    Hello everyone Some of you might remember me from my earlier posts about 3 orphaned strays that I rescued and fostered.  For those who don't .... about 7 months ago, I got a call about a cat that was killed leaving behind 3 kittens at 3 days old. I nursed them and fostered them, until now.  I...
  6. djoe

    kitten wounded his leg and vet is closed

    My 6 months old foster kitten broke a glass and wounded his right leg. On the side of his paw. He is walking fine and I don't think there's so much pain. But he went on licking the wound and it kinda opened up!!!! I put antiseptic (betadine) solution which bothered him and I applied cats...
  7. djoe

    stray or lost? ... cat at our gate

    Hi there! I was opening the main gate to the building where I live and noticed a bog long haired black cat. It was dark already, I wouldn't have seen him if it wasnt for his big eyes starring at me. I could sense he was asking for food. Luckily I was coming back from the supermarket with some...
  8. djoe

    Is it possible to constantly travel with three cats?

    Hi all, I have been fostering 3 orphaned kittens for the past 4 months, and have not been able to find find them homes. I will soon be travelling for a new job which includes constant travel and at times to not-ideal locations. I am still not sure if pets will be allowed on mission, but if...
  9. djoe

    Cat's leg is hurt! he is crying and limping!

    I was petting one of the kittens when I hearf a very loud scream of Qays! We all got scared (me and his sister and brother) I saw him trying to jump off a wooden sofa, but somehow his leg got stuck up there and he screamed... he fell down and limped away. I carried him, amd when I touched his...
  10. djoe

    Cats' Dreams

    So you have probably noticed that when your cat is sleeping he/she makes noises, murmurs, moves legs, arms and paws.... something must be going on! The cat is dreaming! So the last time you noticed your cat dreaming, what do you think the drwam was about? We can only imagine...
  11. djoe

    How to put out an adoption announcement for foster stray kittens?

    Hi Cal Lovers, A couple of weeks ago, I posted about 3 orphaned kittens that I took in when they were less than a week old. Now they are 3 months old, and ready to go. I have been advised not to let them out to a non-fenced outdoor garden, I have tried to find people to adopt them, but I had no...
  12. djoe

    kittens and rain

    Hi there. I have a question regarding kittens and rain! I am fostering 3 orphaned kittens on my balcony, and today was their first rainy day! I am worried about them. Will they cold or sick or anything? I can't get them inside because my own cat absolutely hates them. She is very violent as...
  13. djoe

    Cat biting herself (bleeding) on a nodular mass - refusing medication - photo

    So here is the thing:  My 13 year old Lucy -  which my brother "adopted" 10 years ago and then washed his hands clean of the responsibilities that come along with having a cat at home -  had this nodular mass the right side of her back (December 2012). I took her to a vet - so called vet -...
  14. djoe

    3 orphaned strays(photos) - time to say goodbye? Seeking advice

    Hi there, I have been postponing this post; because it gets me closer to sending the foster kittens away… I need to think out loud, and I would appreciate your input on this…  Here’s the story: 2 months ago I got a call from a relative to help her find shelter for 3 kittens whose mother was...
  15. djoe

    Mobile site prob

    Hey there. I am unable to upload photos from my mobile. After choosing the file and "uploading" as in "embedding image", I am directed back to the reply text with no image. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance J.
  16. djoe

    hey there here is Joe nursing 3 orphaned kittens

    Greetings I joined the forum as I sometimes feel I could use a chat with people more experienced than I am with cats and kittens. I have a 13 years old persian at home and just recently, I had no option but to take in 3 stray orphaned kitten. Their mum died when they were 3 days old and no...