Search Results

  1. H

    VET Annual Exams

    Hi Guys, General question about general annual exams for your kitties. Since I have rated many human doctors of mine I've tried out, I can be quite picky. But for cats, can you guys give me your feedback on what SHOULD be done at regular annual exams, and/or what YOUR kitty gets in annual exams...
  2. H

    Poll on cat AGE, FOOD, IN/OUTDOOR

    Hi All, I haven't been here in some time, but just refound the website! Glad to have found you again. May we post a poll posting listings of your cat/s (even if sadly passed away) with: - How OLD they live/d? (i.e. 13, 22+) - What diet they are/were on? (Please be specific like...
  3. H

    IAMS!? animal rights petition

    I was going through the recent petitions on the Internet, and found this one. I was not aware of this! I remember something about IAMS recently, but it did not apply to this. I don't know if it is illegal to paste the petition onto here. I hope not. If it is, please let me know. It was at...