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  1. K

    A dander-less cat?

    Dander is created by the act of the cat cleaning itself. The shed skin cells, mixed with saliva are the culprit. Almost everyone can tolerate a cat if there is weekly baths. These do not have to be time consuming. Get a shorthaired kitten and begin baths immediately...they will get use to it...
  2. K

    I think my cat is DYING!!!

    I agree with everything above. I would like to give you a homemade recipe to try and get some weight back on her, if you do find that she is okay, healthwise. This is a great formula for kittens, sick cats and older cats who are losing weight. Remember, this formula is to help with weight...
  3. K

    Cat dragging rear end across floor..

    The purpose of this behavior is to either scratch or wipe off the butt. The usual culprits are worms...they itch or sometimes loose bowel movements that, since they have no thumbs to hold toilet paper, they will use the floor Simple worm treatment by your vet will probably solve this problem...
  4. K

    Not using litter box

    Anytime you see a major behavior change, it is good to rule out any medical condition first, especially in a 10 year old cat. Having a separate box, even in another location may be helpful...but first make sure nothing else is wrong.
  5. K

    Throwing up

    When we were breeding Persians, I had several who did appear to be experiencing morning sickness. By about 14 days into the pregnancy it was gone. Our little furry friends are truly strange little creatures.
  6. K

    My Cat is drooling?

    Yes, go to the vet. I have had several that would begin to drool when stressed. There could be something going on that you are not aware of. As you know, cats really don't have a lot of "spit". Since this is a new behavior, I would not waste any time.
  7. K

    litter box problem

    I would like to focus on the litter problem. Have you tried changing to a different textured litter? Shredded newspapers are a real hassle, but sometimes works. Her paws may be more sensitive now, and little grains of litter can get wedged in crevices and really hurt. There seem to be a...
  8. K

    How can I teach my kittie to hang around a small dog?

    If these two are going to be around each other periodically from now on. I would make a very concentrated effort while the kitten is young...they adapt much faster. A great trick is to take a hand towel and rub it all over one and then the other and back and forth until they smell the same to...
  9. K

    Is my cat bored or just wanting attention?

    What breed is she? If mixed, can you tell any dominant traits that remind you of certain breeds. Generally cats that have touches of Siamese, Oriental Shorthairs and Abysinans are especially active. My experience has been the smarter the cat the more inquisitive and active. I say all of this...
  10. K

    Bored cats?

    Nomal cats sleep about 80% of the time. Cats are like kids, you don't know what they are up to when you're not home. As long as they maintain weight, keep shiny coats and show no sign of illness, my guess is this behavior is normal for them.
  11. K

    Keeping new outdoor cat inside until he bonds

    First, I would like to encourage you to turn this can into an inside cat. There are so many terrible feline diseases that cannot be prevented by vaccination, that it is no longer safe to let our furry friends run loose outside. The best way to help him lose interest in the outside is to have...
  12. K

    Should cats eat "people food?"

    As long as your cats (like ours) are healthy and receive the majority of their food from good quality cat food, I don't see any reason why they shouldn't get treats, just like us. Can you imagine eating the same thing every day for your entire life. How boring...and cats are not boring! Avoid...
  13. K


    We bred persians for years and you can find a vet (and a solid following) that will support any position on any vaccination schedule. We always felt the kitten shots during the first four months and the one year booster to be essential to help that kitten build a strong immune system. After...
  14. K

    Snoring cat

    I bred persians for years and this is a very common problem with them because of their compressed nasal cavities. There are a couple of things that will help(pretty much just like humans). Anithistamines...could make them sleepy, like you could tell the difference. Vetalog (a corticosteroid...