Search Results

  1. Watcha lookin at?

    Watcha lookin at?

  2. IMG_0776.JPG


  3. percy persian

    Sleeping Kitties!

    Just sharing how my Percy has grown so big but still remains adorable and affectionate.
  4. IMG_0405.JPG


  5. IMG_0773.JPG


  6. SAM_0467.JPG


  7. percy persian

    Sleeping Kitties!

    Sharing how my Percy demands to stay up while I work but he can't help but doze so comfortably.  I think he just wants to assure me that he's beside me at important moments of my work. 
  8. My little helper.jpg

    My little helper.jpg

  9. My perfect hangout place

    My perfect hangout place

  10. Perfect hangout.jpg

    Perfect hangout.jpg

  11. percy persian

    How Percy wants to be tucked

    Setting now changed to public.  Am very very sorry that I failed to change the setting earlier.  My apologies to those who tried to view the video when it was in private setting.  Hope it works now! Cheers! :)
  12. percy persian

    How Percy wants to be tucked

    Hi everyone! I was cleaning up my video files and saw this cute episode of when Percy was still young.  Thought I'd share it with you.  Percy loves to stay at the head side of my bed and sometimes demands to be lulled to sleep.  Here is one of those instances.  Enjoy the cutie-pie!
  13. Lion cut with mohawk

    Lion cut with mohawk

  14. percy persian

    Lion cut with mohawk

    Hi everyone!  Just wanted to share that I decided to give Percy a haircut for the summer.  He had been shedding to much hair, with some mats in the armpit and under the chin.  Also, he has thrown up thrice already due to hairball.  His hairstylist decided to give him a lion cut with a mohawk so...
  15. Lion cut with mohawk.jpg

    Lion cut with mohawk.jpg

  16. Lion cut with mohawk 2.jpg

    Lion cut with mohawk 2.jpg

  17. percy persian

    Cute Kitty Beds

    Percy discovered another thing that can function as his bed as well - my empty hand bag. I transferred bags and and left this unused one on my sofa. Percy must have taken it as my offering it to him as his alternate bed.
  18. 20140119_083329.jpg


  19. percy persian

    Post your favorite photo of your cat!

    This is my favorite shot of Percy. He was only 3 months old here. I love how he has the look of innocence in his eyes! And a bedhead at that.  :) 
  20. Post your favorite photo of your cat!

    Post your favorite photo of your cat!
