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  1. spookums

    my 20 year old kitty has a lump on her nose, possible cancer.

    Thank you for the responses everyone. Spook has lived a good life and I hope she has a lot more time with me but if she gets to where she's in pain I won't let her suffer. I got her kitty stairs a few years ago so get on the bed now because her old body aces and she just can't jump anymore...
  2. spookums

    my 20 year old kitty has a lump on her nose, possible cancer.

    My kitty is 20 years old and has hypertension and hyperthyroid disease and now she has a lump on her nose, the doctor says it's either a tumor or a cancerous cyst which is rare for a black cat to have, hes mainly seen it in white cats, he said it's like the skin cancer people get. He tells me...