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  1. monkey brewster

    Hepatic lipidosis--anyone have experience with tube feeding?

    We didn't have any fluid build-up, but she was more clumsy -- partly from weakness I'm sure, and partly from not liking the feeling of the bandage and tube obstructing her neck area. She would guide herself along the walls to feel safe and supported walking around, and she'd wobble up and down...
  2. monkey brewster

    Hepatic lipidosis--anyone have experience with tube feeding?

    Good luck! Monkey is totally back to normal, but it wasn't easy. My parents were in town for Christmas and they secretly thought she wouldn't make it. We did have one traumatic instance with the tube feeding where Monkey suddenly felt nauseous at the end of one of her bigger feedings and threw...
  3. monkey brewster

    Hepatic lipidosis--anyone have experience with tube feeding?

    So sorry about Kiki! It's tough battling two things at once. You can read more from our original posts, but I think Monkey got HP from a little hunger strike she pulled when we bought a new bag of her usual food. Maybe it was a bad batch, maybe she felt sick already and it was a coincidence. She...
  4. monkey brewster

    Hepatic lipidosis--anyone have experience with tube feeding?

    Haha, yeah, Monkey looks like a punk rocker on her left side because of the buzzed area on the side of her head and neck. They didn't mention checking her blood work again, but the yellow hue seems totally gone from her skin. We might do a final checkup in a few weeks to make sure she's keeping...
  5. monkey brewster

    Hepatic lipidosis--anyone have experience with tube feeding?

    Tyson & Joey, Monkey was not far behind you! She gained half a pound last week (almost 8lbs now, still naturally small in stature, but looking full and healthy) and was eating well on her own, getting lots of energy back, and coughing/snoring less. She was also getting much less patient with her...
  6. monkey brewster

    Hepatic lipidosis--anyone have experience with tube feeding?

    Sounds like all good things from you and MyTyson! Monkey ate a full serving of wet food the other day, and I do think she'll eat even better without the tube. It looked like finely shredded gumbo, which she likes better than Fancy Feast's rubbery chunks. I'll have to get more of it -- Never...
  7. monkey brewster

    Hepatic lipidosis--anyone have experience with tube feeding?

    It shouldn't be difficult for them to swallow wet food with the tube in place, since the esophagus is very elastic. But Monkey actually hacks loudly every time she eats her dry food. I think when they had to put in the larger tube, they irritated her throat a bit, and the bits of hard food have...
  8. monkey brewster

    Hepatic lipidosis--anyone have experience with tube feeding?

    That baby scale is a good idea, and I'll ask about the clinicare. And no, they definitely charged $55 to my credit card for the check-up and bandage replacement, which is all they did for her that day. Probably could have done that myself . . . Oh well. Monkey's dad actually got angry and called...
  9. monkey brewster

    Hepatic lipidosis--anyone have experience with tube feeding?

    Thanks for the good vibes! Monkey amazes me sometimes how she can go through that and then rub against me and purr as if she's feeling fine. Today she even licked the gravy off of a little pile of wet food I brought her. A little late for our next feeding actually . . . at 20cc's working our way...
  10. monkey brewster

    Hepatic lipidosis--anyone have experience with tube feeding?

    Monkey moves around occasionally, but definitely naps more. I sometimes find her in a closet on her side, staring at the wall. I do let her sit outside when she ventures toward the door, which I hope helps her spirits. And we don't use clinicare, just straight a/d with a tablespoon of water to...
  11. monkey brewster

    Hepatic lipidosis--anyone have experience with tube feeding?

    I'm glad to hear that others are skipping showers and meals . . . and that it's okay to feed 30cc three times a day, because that's the schedule we're on starting today. I can't think of any way else to get a full can in her, and we're supposed to increase a bit more tomorrow (a can and a...
  12. monkey brewster

    Hepatic lipidosis--anyone have experience with tube feeding?

    Our vet told me that how quickly they heal varies a lot depending on a number of factors, many of them unpredictable. She mentioned "a couple weeks" and "a month" when talking about possible recovery times for Monkey. She doesn't seem incredibly sickly compared to older cats I've seen with this...
  13. monkey brewster

    Hepatic lipidosis--anyone have experience with tube feeding?

    Our calico (Monkey) is at the vet right now, getting her feeding tube put in. I thought she would eat for me and get better with the meds, but she HATED the Metronidazole so much she shook her head around violently and foamed at the mouth until she trailed almost all of the medicine through the...