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  1. F

    My cat is going to kill me - literally - please help.

    Good Grief!!  What drama!   All pet owners must have Tetanus booster injections.  At 50 yrs of age ALL humans should have a Tetanus/Diphtheria booster. Respectfully, tell your family to butt out, buzz off, and mind their own business. You have chosen to adopt and your responsibility is only...
  2. F

    Kitten pees on our bed

    Instead of letting bubby sleep on your bed (& make wet patches), have you tried placing something that he/she likes in his/her sleeping basket and spray that bedding with a bit of Catnip Spray?  Do you have a sleeping basket for bubby?  That is what should be at the end of your bed.  When bubby...
  3. F

    Rehomed cat started defecating on couch

    May I respectfully suggest that the problem may be STRESS or he is LONELY, or both Stress and lonely. Are you at work a day, home at night just wanting to kick back and relax?  It is possible your new bubby is trying to attract your attention. Why not keep a daily diary - write down every...
  4. F

    Older cat acting strange

    PLEASE, take your fluffy bubby to another vet!  A second opinion is so worthwhile and often necessary if you love your bub.  I have had doctors like that before, too. I find it strange that some vets (like people doctors) are wonderful, understanding and so helpful, whereas some tell you there...