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  1. G

    Stopped pooing in food dish, now is peeing in his own bed.

    I posted last week about our new-to-us 10 year old Main Coon.  We kept him sequestered in our bedroom for almost two weeks with his own litter box.  On the vet's advice, after she gave him an appetite stimulant, we brought him down to the living room.  Since then, he has not even attempted to...
  2. G

    Newly adopted senior cat pooing in the food bowl.

    Thanks everyone for your help. It makes sense to not have a litter box in a place where kitties may feel trapped.  Never thought of that before!
  3. G

    Newly adopted senior cat pooing in the food bowl.

    The cats had been separated for almost two weeks.  We live in a 2 BR townhouse, so having more than 3 litter boxes is not an option.  My concern is that he had been using the litter boxes just fine, then all of a sudden today decided the food bowl was a better choice.  I have been running...
  4. G

    Newly adopted senior cat pooing in the food bowl.

    My DH brought home a 10 yr old Maine Coon about 2.5 weeks ago.  No history other than he's friendly, de-clawed, mainly an outdoor cat.  He spent over a week in our room quarantined from our two other cats and two dogs.  He took up residence under the bed and refused to eat, other than a few...
  5. G

    Have you ever adopted an adult cat?

    My DH brought home a 10 year old Maine Coon about 2.5 weeks ago.  Story is he was sold with the house the couple who gave him to us bought.  Who does that?  Any way, he's very sweet, but is severely underweight.  As in weighs 8 lbs and should be about 15 or 16.  It's been a rough few weeks for...