Search Results

  1. littlegrey

    Really worried...what to do about windows & my kitty

    Hi everyone!  So one of my cats really loves chilling out by the windowsill. This would be okay except that he gets really close to the edge and sometimes gets on his back legs and tries kind of scaling it. He leans on the screen netting behind the window, and it makes me really nervous. I've...
  2. littlegrey

    Best type of litter?

    Hi everyone! I'm new here, my name is Lauren  So as for litter, my brother is allergic to clay based litters so that's out. I'm looking for the best type of litter (best for my cat and for me) in terms of tracking litter out of the box, what will attract a cat to use this type of litter...
  3. littlegrey

    Help teaching tricks to a kitty who's never in the mood to learn?

    So I've read some posts on training kitties, but mine doesn't seem to follow any of these methods . Does anyone know any other training tips for stubborn cats?