Search Results

  1. kittyroara

    Cat Ate Pink Floral-Dyed Daisies and is Now Acting Weird

    Well, he seems okay and responsive to attention, and he hasn't thrown up, so, having dealt with an ataxic reaction to Drontal in our other cat just a few weeks ago, I feel confident that a vet would say 'you can bring him in or just monitor him for vomiting, other symptoms, or worsening of these...
  2. kittyroara

    Cat Ate Pink Floral-Dyed Daisies and is Now Acting Weird

    I can't ask the flower shop at the moment as it's almost 10 pm where I am, but I can call tomorrow - though they're probably not open Sundays. Worst case, Monday. I hope he just feels better before then...
  3. kittyroara

    Cat Ate Pink Floral-Dyed Daisies and is Now Acting Weird

    My cat chewed on and partially ate a pink dyed daisy and is now acting paranoid and scared, hiding and only coming out to walk around cautiously or sit there looking like he doesn't feel too well, and then hide again. Has anyone had a similar experience? Does anyone know if floral dye is...
  4. kittyroara

    Taking our cat to the emergency vet after giving Drontal

    The vet checked her out and thinks it's probably some ataxia from the drontal. She was comfortable sending her home with us tho. Temperature is normal, pupil dilation was normal, fromtal leg reflexes were normal, just back leg reflexes a little weak/delayed. She seems a bit better (stronger)...
  5. kittyroara

    Taking our cat to the emergency vet after giving Drontal

    We're taking one of our two cats to the vet emergency right now because we gave them both Drontal around 1pm and an hour ago (nine hours after dosage) she is having trouble walking, jumping a foot off the ground, and she looks like she feels gross - lethargic and unhappy facial expression. I'll...