Search Results

  1. jyoder

    Is Drontal and Revolution safe for cats?

    Drontal is good for hooks, round and  tapeworms.  And Revolution is great for hooks and roundworms and fleas.  I only use Revolution on my cats, I use it on them about every 3 months since they are strictly indoor cats.  I would just use the Revolution if your treating for roundworms.  Use the...
  2. jyoder

    At wit's end

    Also, BioKleen is a wonderful product for removing cat urine odor.  I highly recommend it!!
  3. jyoder

    At wit's end

    Have you had the vet check for a urinary infection?  Sometimes those can manifest with varying symptoms, like urinating or defecating outside the box.  I would be tempted to take the covers off the boxes too and try that.  Also, you may want to find another vet.  At least to get another opinion...