Search Results

  1. J

    Cat for Sale on Ebay-Contact Ebay

    Here is an auction for someone trying to sell their cat on Ebay, Please contact Ebay to have them end this auction.
  2. J

    Thought this was worth reading

    This is so perfectly said, it's heart-wrenching.... Why Rescue ? OK, so Iâ€8482m not the perfect cat. Iâ€8482m not just right – I might be too big, or too small; too vocal, or too quiet. I may also have some medical issues, and I donâ€8482t have my complete medical history with me to...
  3. J

    A Kitten's Prayer

    This is cute! A Kitten's Prayer Now I lay me down to sleep The King-Size bed is soft and deep I sleep right in the center groove My human cannot hardly move! I've trapped her legs,she's tucked in tight And here is where I pass the night No one disturbs me or dares intrude Till morning...
  4. J

    Seven Habits Of Highly Effective Pussycats

    SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PUSSYCATS By Messybeast * BLADDER DANCING While normal Cat Logic dictates that sitting on a sleeping human should actually get them up, it all-too-often gives them an added excuse to lie in bed a little longer - on the pretext of "not disturbing the cat". On...
  5. J

    Hope you like this

    A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead. He remembered dying, and that his faithful dog had been dead for many years. He wondered where the road was leading them. After a while, they came to a high, white...
  6. J

    Federal agents target feral cats attacking endangered species on Key Largo FL

    Federal agents target feral cats attacking endangered species on Key Largo -------------------- By David Fleshler Staff Writer November 13, 2003 Federal wildlife agents plan to start trapping feral cats on Key Largo in a crackdown likely to spark anger among the legions of people who take...
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    I am very sad

    I just wanted to get this off my chest since my family is so far away and I do not have anyone to talk with. Last weekend my sister called me and told me that I should get home right away that my mother wasn't doing well. I flew in on Monday night and got to see my mother in the hospital Monday...
  8. J

    The Cat Lady And The Child....a BEAUTIFUL story

    Hope you all enjoy this. This story is not only for "cat-lovers." It's the story of how one person can make a difference, no matter how small the deed. I hope it inspires you to do something -- anything -- to help better the world for both humans & non-humans. ----------------------------...
  9. J

    A Cute Vet Joke

    A woman brought a very limp duck into a veterinary surgery. As she lay her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the bird's chest. After a moment or two, the vet shook his head sadly and said, "I'm so sorry, Cuddles has passed away." The distressed owner wailed...
  10. J

    A good read article Feral Cats

    By Feral, do you mean wild???? What is a Feral Cat colony and how on earth do they ever get started? This has been and very probably will continue to be a problem for caretakers of cats. Lets take a scenario: Joe, down the street, comes home from work one night to find his child has brought...
  11. J

    This really happened

    This is long but worth reading. Poor kitty and owners of kitty, but has a good ending. Catch of the Day Lands Cat in Garbage Disposal By Patti Schroeder March 14, 2002 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the story of the night my...
  12. J

    Haloween and Cats

    Halloween is Scary For Your Kitty Too! by Annette Givens Halloween is a scary time - filled with ghosts, goblins, ghouls and witches. But, in all seriousness, Halloween is an especially dangerous time for our cats. Sometimes people think that rescue workers are a little "touched in the head"...
  13. J

    Kitty Toys for Christmas Stocking

    I am part of a little game. There's two names on the list. You send a kitty toy to number one and move number two up and then you are number two, forward the message to all your friends. This way it costs you one cat toy and you should get lots of toys back for your kitty or to donate to the...
  14. J

    Rescue Me

    I thought that this was so nice that I would like to share it. Rescue Me Rescue me not only with your hands but with your heart as well. I will respond to you. Rescue me not out of pity but out of love. I will love you back. Rescue me not with self-righteousness but with compassion. I will...
  15. J

    "Guardian of the sanctuary"

    Read this article about this lady. What a saint. Guardian of the sanctuary She doesn't ask for them, but when unwanted or injured animals show up at her door, Joanne Milby provides a haven. By MARY CHALLENDER Register Staff Writer 10/05/2003...
  16. J

    Must Find A Home ASAP

    Please help these six boys!
  17. J

    South FL offering free spay/neuter

    South Florida currently has two mobile spay / neuter units that are operating FREE and Low Cost, they are both having problems getting enough appointments to fill a full day of surgeries. Both units WILL neuter ferals! The ARFF unit is completely FREE and you DO NOT need to be low income to...
  18. J

    Click to help Animals

    Each click helps animals.
  19. J

    Light a Candle

    for your lost pets.
  20. J

    Light A Candle For Your Pets

    Go to this link to light a candle for your lost pets: