Search Results

  1. sarahandpoe

    Potty training?

    My kitten is about five months old, and she uses the litterbox perfectly, she has no messes whatsoever, and she is so impeccably neat too! My daughter (6 months) will pet her, and play with her, and my kitten is so patient. She will be wound up sometimes, though, but when it comes to being...
  2. sarahandpoe

    Questions about 'dirty paws' and litter smell.

    I have this issue with my oldest cat, Sammy. Whenever he goes to the litter-box, he gets litter all stuck up in his paws and in between his toes! It's very gross. My kitten has not had this problem. I don't know if it is because she has little paws and has really no room for litter to get stuck...
  3. sarahandpoe

    my kitten just doesn't listen.

    My Poe, 4 months old, is the most rambunctious kitten I have ever seen! She isn't allowed up on our kitchen chairs or our table, but she's up there anyway. She'll attack Sammy (my 13-year old cat) and try to play with his tail, to the point where he will hiss and claw at her until she stops. We...
  4. sarahandpoe

    'Weird' hair

    I have two cats, one long-haired and one short-haired. My long-haired cat, Sammy, has some VERY weird fur! It's not curly, so to say, but very wavy, and just looks matted in some places. Granted he is a very skinny boy, but his hair just doesn't look right. I brush him, flea-bathe him, and comb...
  5. sarahandpoe

    My oldest cat might be dying, just don't know from what... :(

    We got/rescued our oldest cat, Sammy, in July. He is a 12 to 13 year old neutered long-haired cat. The people who had him before us had 6 other cats, and Sammy was the oldest and was very neglected. The other cats would push him off the chair where he would be sleeping, he was so skinny when we...