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  1. G

    How to introduce a cat to a new area

    Is there any way that works to introduce a cat to a new area without scaring it half to death?  Our cat has never been in our basement, the other day I figured I'd take him down the stairs to introduce him to the new area.  Made it one step down before my shoulder got 10 claws in it and a MEOW...
  2. G

    Hopefully not a repost.. cat-man-do

    Its a few years old but new to me.  And it also hits close to home!
  3. G


    Heard our kitten Fenster hacking something up this morning.  I saw the small spot in the living room carpet, grabbed the resolve and sprayed it.. and it moved.  Gross.  He was going to the vet anyways today to get neutered so I brought it along in a baggie and it was a roundworm.  They're giving...
  4. G


    Our kitten just started losing its baby teeth so I'm going to start brushing his teeth with toothpaste. I've got Petrodex toothpaste for the dogs, can I use the same toothpaste for cats or is there something else I should have?
  5. G


    I'm kind of curious why cats purr when they do.. I've always assumed its because they're happy (our kitten purrs when he eats and when we pet him, kind of expected that..). But he also purrs when I'm brushing him, and judging from how he tries to get away and grab/bite the brush I don't think...
  6. G

    New to cats..

    Hi Everyone Glad I found this forum, I thought I had a unique situation but must have read 5 or 6 threads already with stories similar to mine! A little over a week ago a stray cat showed up in our yard, pretty scared of people and everything that made a noise at first but its warmed up to us a...