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  1. P


    I will defiantly post some photo of the whole lot. I think Diva realises her mistake of having them in my brothers room and not mine, where she spends most of her time. Although Marley isn't fixed, I spoke with their previous owner again and he said she's had two other litters in the past and...
  2. P


    Update number2........We've decided to wait a couple days to move the babies. Diva has been playing thus funny yet repetitive game where she seeks me out in the house, she starts being vocal as if saying......"Hey, follow me. Wanna see something special?" I follow her upstairs and every time...
  3. P

    Help! brothers wife tells me Diva has been feeding and sleeping with the babies proper.(sigh) I'm a little more relieved now.
  4. P


    I wouldn't dream of letting her outside......not in a million years. She's a to me, she's more likely to get picked up by someone and I'm not letting that happen. I've already spoken with the guy in my band who I got them from and honestly, this whole thing was supposed to last...
  5. P


    And another thing, the queen is at least 5 or 6 and has had a litter or two in the past with the tabby. They are both all too familiar with eachother and were biting eachother playfully.
  6. P


    Ok. Night brother left his bedroom door open all night so she could care for the babies and so she could eat and get to her litter. so far, all I can tell is that she is spending time with them but you can't see much due to the small space in the closet where she had them but...
  7. P


    Hi there, my name is Greg and one of the guys in my band was forced to move in with his inlaws with his wife and kids so I ended up taking his female Persian and male tabby. Little was I to know that the Persian wasn't spayed and the tabby wasn't fixed either. Fast forward 12 months later and...