Search Results

  1. J


    Hi, I have been a member of the forum for over 10 years, but only post when I need help. Anyway, I am in rural Adams County, Ohio. We are fortunate to have an HSAC near us and they are doing a wonderful job. They have accepted strays (multiple) over time from us. Today I find that we are in an...
  2. J

    Cat disappears after surgery

    We have three cats who are happy together and the input I received on this forum helped to achieve that goal. Anyway---a stray tomcat showed up some time ago and our cats gave him a wide berth. We started feeding him on the deck because we felt sorry for him. Time passed and I put FrontLine...
  3. J

    Mother Rejecting 5-Month Old Kittens-HELP

    Hi, I live in a rural area and have a cat door. My "house cat" is 22 years old and has renal failure, but not too feeble to contribute to what is becoming a living Hell. So--somebody dumped a pregnant female cat at my farm (a young cat less than a year old). We converted our workshop (inside the...