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  1. S


    hey guys i as wandering for a cat should i get a regular food and water dish or should i get automatic feeder and a fountain water? thanks
  2. S

    sphynx cat?

    hey guys i was wandering do spynks cats have little needles on there tongue( i think i spelt it wrong i am talkin about the pink think in ur mouth that u taste with lol) beacause i know other cats do cause they need that to clean there fur but do spynks do? cause they have no hair.
  3. S

    My new sphynx is coming sat!!!!

    Very exciting cant wait till i get mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. S

    sphynx cat?

    Thanks for all ur help!!!!!
  5. S

    sphynx cat?

    haha that would be cool if thats Cleos brother!!!
  6. S

    sphynx cat?

  7. S

    sphynx cat?

    thanks i could understand it now lol. but did u get your cat from a breeder or shelter ect
  8. S

    sphynx cat?

    umm sorry that post was a little confusing i am very sorry can u repeat that?
  9. S

    sphynx cat?

    lol i just had a wacky idea do u know any good breeders around that will not play games? lol. thanks
  10. S


    thanks everyone!!
  11. S

    sphynx cat?

    no there arnt reallt shows near me if i cant figure out another color i will get the color of cleo cause i like that color. this sounds dunb but if there like a black kind of this cat?
  12. S

    sphynx cat?

    i like cleo i might get that color it looks neat and also the white one if u had to choose what kind would you chose there both awesome!
  13. S

    sphynx cat?

    oh haha i havent even thought of that what colors are they and what colors do u like best?
  14. S

    Mew here!

    love the eyes on the dog lol
  15. S


    haha thats funny
  16. S

    sphynx cat?

    thanks for all the info and yes when i told my friends what kind of cat i am getting they say "ewwwwww there gross" and i just said there unique and cool.
  17. S

    sphynx cat?

    thanks for the link! and thanks for all your help with everything! i hope i can get it ordered soon i think i cam up with names if its a boy i will call it Clyde and if its a girl i wil name it Lydia ( lead-ia) what do u guys think?
  18. S

    sphynx cat?

    i keep mu house at 72* during the winter we have oil and a pellet stove plus if we have a power outage like the New England ice storm our house was built in with a built in generator so even if the power goes out the house stays warm. and about the heated bed i will ask my dad since he is a...
  19. S

    sphynx cat?

    me and my mom might do that tommorow but hopefully we can! but if we cant i guess i can wait and do more reaserch! OH and i almost forgot what brand of cat food is good?.should i feed it wet,dry or both? and i am planning on getting a kitten. thank again!
  20. S

    sphynx cat?

    what do u mean do u mean like what time of the year i am getting it? if thats ur question i am going to wait till its spring to its war but not to warm just the right temp so it doesnt burn or freeze. is that okay?