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  1. E

    My cat and her heater...

    Hi everyone My two year old cat is obsessed with our little electric heaters! It's winter now, so we have one (we have two) on for at least 4 hours daily and she spends the whole time just sleeping right in front of whichever one is on (maybe like, 30 cms in front!). She is always supervised...
  2. E

    Help :(

    Thanks so much everyone. It was bright red and mostly over the outside, but now that I think about it, there seemed to be a bright red string of blood inside the stool as well. Anyway I will definitely be calling the vet today but thank you everyone for helping me out! It made me calm down a...
  3. E

    Help :(

    I just went to clean my cat's litter box and found blood in her feaces. There was a drop of blood on the side of the box as well. I adopted her a week ago and they said she was already desexed - at her check up a few days ago, the vet also said that she has probably been pregnant before. She is...