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  1. M

    sneezing after boarding?

    Thank you for the advice. Poor Whisper he sounds awful. I have been taking him into the bathroom while I take a shower, but he's still so miserable.
  2. M

    sneezing after boarding?

    They both have upper resp. infections. They xrayed HWisper's lungs and said they look fine. Whisper is so much sicker than Kiki or at least sounds worse. To make matters worse my dog bit a boy today and Animal Control came and took him away. I can't have him back where we live so now I'm...
  3. M

    sneezing after boarding?

    yeah, going today at 3:45. I hope Whisper will be okay until then. He's got goopy eyes and I can see his third eyelids. Not to mention he looks like his meowing but no sound is coming out. He also looks like his breathing is labored. I'm very worried, but the ER vets I know off don't open...
  4. M

    sneezing after boarding?

    Kiki has been sneezing ever since we picked her up from having to board all the animals for 5 days. Now Whisper is sneezing. I called the kennel and they said sneezing isn't something that she would have "caught" at the kennel...they said maybe an allergy? Is sneezing in cats like kennel...
  5. M

    Suggestions to keep cat out of window sills?

    The mini blinds "are" horizontal. Sadly we are required to have them in the windows. They make all the housing units look "uniform". Hubby doesn't want scratches on the TV stand nor for our plasma TV to be knocked off during their up and down jumping movements. I must say I don't cherish the...
  6. M

    Suggestions to keep cat out of window sills?

    Moving the TV is not an option and I never open the windows. I actually can't get to them well enough to open them they are all but blocked except for kitties to get to. We have wide window sills and I guess they enjoy the sun. They have destroyed the blinds which I have to replace...not to...
  7. M

    Suggestions to keep cat out of window sills?

    The problem is that our cats enjoy getting into the windows that happen to be located on each side of our TV. To get to them they have to jump onto the TV stand which very much upsets my husband. They also tend to unplug things when they are back there and hubby gets very annoyed if his Xbox...
  8. M

    Question for cross stichers

    Do you use a stand when you work? I currently use the Q-Snap frame and a universal floor stand and sit in the chair in my room. Sometimes I feel it's a pain to take down and set up again, but I can't hold a hoop or frame in my hand anymore. Are lap stands better? I'm just wondering if...
  9. M


    I think I may be in the market for a new printer. Currently I have an all-in-one the EPSON Artisan 800. My problem is that it has started guzzling ink. I just replaced all my ink about two weeks ago maybe less and haven't printed very much at all and it's almost out again. Ink cost about...
  10. M

    Kia gets so upset when she goes to bed...

    My kitties stay out in the house at night. They aren't allowed to sleep in anyone's bedroom. If I could I'd have them sleep with me...hubby doesn't want them too though. They are usually fine after a few minutes of wailing at my door. Then they just take to taunting the dog. He sleeps in a...
  11. M

    Could use some positive vibes please

    He finally pooped. I will be taking it to the vet tomorrow...and what do you know it was mostly solid. Maybe the Flagyl is working, or at least masking the problem for a bit.
  12. M

    Could use some positive vibes please

    All bloodwork came back normal. Now just waiting on fecal culture. She wanted to see a full stool sample, but he hasn't gone yet. I put him in the bathroom with food water a place to sleep toys and a litterbox lined with newspaper and he never went. He wouldn't even pee until I put a small...
  13. M

    Could use some positive vibes please

    I asked about coccidia and giardia on my visit before last. She said this last time that the Pancur C would have taken care of any and all parasites, but she gave him Flagyl anyway. I don't know maybe the culture will show something?
  14. M

    Could use some positive vibes please

    The vet told me that the blood work could also give her an idea if he has a food allergy. I just haven't been able to find a food that really works for him yet. TOTW made him have diarrhea and my other cat have constipation, Science Diet seems to work, but they are so hungry no matter what...
  15. M

    Major vibes, please!

    Hope they get better soon.
  16. M

    Could use some positive vibes please

    They just said Fecal culture and sensitivity (Aerobic). She was going to hold off on the culture and get blood results first, but then when she remembered I have kids she went ahead and sent it in case he has a passable parasite. She said there are a few that can be passeed back and forth b/t...
  17. M

    Could use some positive vibes please

    I haven't been on in a little while do to computer issues, but I think I have it all fixed. I posted a few weeks ago about Whisper, my 6 month old Siamese (mix), having mushy poop with blood in it. Took him to the vet she gave him a prescription high fiber can food and Pancur C to take for...
  18. M

    Help...diarrhea with blood.

    Home from vet. I saw the other vet that I normally see for my cats today. She said fecal exam was negative and checked his mouth, teeth, and said everything looked good. She gave me Panacur C to give him for 3 days and 4 cans of r/d prescription Science Diet wet food to feed in addition to...
  19. M

    Help...diarrhea with blood.

    We have an appointment at 2:30 Central Time...will update when I get home.
  20. M

    Help...diarrhea with blood.

    He isn't acting lethargic, but I will call the vet tomorrow. I guess I just panicked when I saw the blood.