Search Results

  1. esrandall2000

    Whimsey: Memorial Day Weekend 2005

    Eight years ago, I adopted a 5 year old purebred classic silver tabby American Short Hair cat. I'd been scanning many, many rescue web sites looking for the kitty who would grab my attention. It had been many years since my last kitty had died at the age of 18, and my heart wanted a kitty to...
  2. esrandall2000

    Goodbye My Darling Whimsey

    Last week Whimsey reached a crisis where he refused to eat, hid to avoid all pills, fluids, injections, and had a look in his eyes that broke my heart. It was clear to me that he was saying, "Mom, I've tried to get better for you because I love you and know how much you love me, but I can't cope...
  3. esrandall2000

    Whimsey Has Small Cell Lymphoma

    I just got a call from Whimsey's oncologist. The results of the biopsies confirm that he has small cell lymphoma. He will start Leukeran tomorrow. He seemed concerned that since Whimsey has been taking Prednisolone for years for IBD and now has lymphoma, that the Prednisolone may be losing its...
  4. esrandall2000

    Whimsey has Small Cell Lymphona

    I'd previously on the raw food forum, however, the initial diagnosis of CLL has now given way to small cell lymphona.  Whimsey  has started chemotherapy.  Prognosis varies. Don't know how much time he will have:( I really hate cancer! Of all the special cats in the world, he has been the MOST...
  5. esrandall2000

    Kitty Diagnosed with CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia) Just Started on Raw

    My kitty, Whimsey, who already has inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis, mild kidney failure, and a heart murmur, has now been diagnosed with CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia).  This is the long, slow, form of leukemia where I can (hopefully) have the pleasure of his company for another...
  6. esrandall2000

    Another CRF Diagnosis - Both Whimsey and his Mom Need TCS Vibes

    It has been a long time since I've logged in to TCS.  I wasn't even sure if I could still log in, but this place was a wonderful resource when my darling Whimsey was going through IBS and pancreatitis.  I thought that with the help of both allopathic and holistic vets at the time that he was at...
  7. esrandall2000

    What Are Your Kitties Doing Tonight?

    Well, Fancy managed to quietly manuevor Merlin out of my lap and herself into my lap. Merlin in a fit of pique in not quite knowing how she managed to do that has taken himself to the cat shelf by the window and is gazing morosely out into the darkness. Magic has been sleeping in the open cat...
  8. esrandall2000

    Whimsey Had His First Acupucture Session Today

    I took my severe IBD kitty to a homeopathic vet today and the early signs are good. He has gallstones and when she stroked down his back where the associated meridians are located, he groaned and was uncomfortable. She used acupucture needles on those areas and while he didn't like being...
  9. esrandall2000

    Need New Camera - Suggestions?

    Within a few days of joining, I realized that my ancient Canon simply would not do justice in taking pictures of my kitties. I've already received a suggestion from Whitecatlover (thank you!), but need more. My budget is around the $250 USD range. I don't need a lot of sexy features. I...
  10. esrandall2000

    IBD and Nausea

    Whimsey, my IBD kitty is taking meds that have his diarrhea handled and his vomiting (Budesonide & Metronidazole). He seems to be developing a pattern where he will throw up once a week and them stop eating until some sort of intervetion happens. He didn't eat anything yesterday, but I'm...
  11. esrandall2000

    Vibes for Whimsey - Please

    Whimsey is my beloved nine year old rescue kitty. I've had him since he was five years old. I've never known his background but he looks just like a classic American Shorthair silver tabby. From the beginning he exhibited symptoms (this is with 20/20 hindsight) of IBD. Over the four years I've...
  12. esrandall2000

    Magadoses of Vitamin C (Ascorbate)

    I'm submitting these comments as food for thought, nothing more. At the risk of being ostrazised for life from TCS, let me first say that I am not a vet and this does not constitute veterinarian advice. What I'm about to write represent my own personal observations only. I used to raise and...
  13. esrandall2000

    Merlin Wants to be a BENGAL!!!

    Well, sort of....
  14. esrandall2000

    Happily Owned by Four Cats!

    Primarily, I am owned by Whimsey, a gorgeous American Shorthair classic silver tabby rescue, and Merlin, a domestic shorthair grey tabby former feral kitten. A year ago I trapped two feral kittens, Fancy (Siamese) and her pitch black litterbrother, Magic, with the intention of fostering them and...
  15. esrandall2000

    Sick Kitty with IBD and Gallstones

    Hi there, I'm a new member. My beloved Whimsey is a 9 year old American Shorthair Classic Tabby rescue with IBD. I've been able to control it with a raw food diet and judicious use of Budesonide. Starting last Thursday, he stopped eating, began throwing up furballs and had diarrhea. I took...