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    Meowmy there's a monster on the bed!

    See, the difference is, after she was licked, Camille realised it was her monster - sent to personally protect her from other monsters
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    Higher Education

    Hi Dandi, I can relate to the feeling of fear you're describing, I went through the same thing before going to varsity at the beginning of this year (at age 27) especially as I was going to study a with no maths or science background at high school level. I really was worried I'd fall on...
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    I finally got...

    He's an absolute beauty! I Don't think I'd be able to keep him as a foster, He'd end up being permanent, especially the way you describe his nature
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    Just a question to start a discussion, if I may.

    Spaying and neutering are done with one main objective in mind. It stops your cat reproducing. In a society where so many millions of animals are killed due to unwanted pet pregnancies, not spaying/neutering is actually a death sentence for many more animals. Declawing on the other hand, is a...
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    vomiting in the evening

    I phoned the vet this morning and he doesn't seem to be overly concerned as she is showing no other signs of illness. He said to feed less more often and possibly worm her (she has been wormed recently though, so I don't think that's it) Other than that, I should just keep an eye on her and take...
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    vomiting in the evening

    Hi all, I'm a bit worried about Maro, she has been bringing her food back up over the last three evenings, but only once and only in the evening each time. She is otherwise fine, healthy, playful - goes back to eating almost immaedietly each time. She keeps her food down the rest of the day...
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    Teacup/munchkin kittens & servals!

    Hi, owning a serval is definetly not an impossibilty, however it may well be a lot more than you've bargained for. I would suggest volunteering at a sanctuary or some other place that keeps servals and finding out about every aspect of owning one that way. At a later stage, when you're truly...
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    Sand Cat

    Hmmm.. I don't have any direct experience with them, but from what I've read they tend towards being secretive and not particularly friendly in a domestic setting.
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    Traumatized cat?

    Yeah, to be honest, I'd also hazard a guess that something else happend. Perhaps he sprayed her and she panicked and hurt herself in some way that she now associates with that area? Ask your brother about it, it might help you figure things out.
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    Are you good at confrontation?

    It depends on the situation. Generally, if someone's being an idiot and trying to impress others, I'll make an effort to nail them to the wall with sarcasm and turn them into the butt of their own joke. Otherwise, I try to avoid too much confrontation, but when I have to confront someone, I...
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    A game, of sorts, 5 word story

    carousel next to that ugly
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    The Fantabulous Fourteen (Plus Two) *Picture Heavy*

    LOL! at "Kitler" and "Chicken Lily" They are all gorgeous
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    If cats could speak..

    Maro: "Are those mummy's notes on the bed? They are her notes. She's been staring at them for three hours. I don't think they're making her very happy..." Looks over to moogle: "C'mon bunny. we have to eat mother's notes and her pencil bag. Quickly, before she gets back from the bathroom."...
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    Another n00bie

    Hi! Encore is a stunner!
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    Rosie, Sophie and Jack!

    Lol! love the Rosie Photo's. She really just gets that look in every time, doesn't she?
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    Abayomi Abyssianians - Vancouver: Any opinions?

    How incredibly snotty. I'm starting to get the impression that pure-bred cat showing is all about politics, not cats!
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    Abayomi Abyssianians - Vancouver: Any opinions?

    You got told off for showing a cat? why?
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    Questions from a would-be first time cat owner~

    Hi! well done for deciding to rescue a kitty And ask away, I'm sure everyone would love to help.
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    Bean Bean meets Bun Bun....

    So are you gonna be keeping the bun? It looks like they could become great friends
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    It was a red and stormy night...

    Yeah, that sky was amazing and little miss was nice enough to pose in the window for me We had a big storm later.