Search Results

  1. E

    Compostable Cat Litter?

    I'll soon be moving (yes, again--but this time a short distance) into an over-garage apartment with backyard access. I have gotten the go-ahead to get a garden and compost heap going and it occured to me that a lot of contents of a litterbox are basically fertilizer...but a lot of the content...
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    I want to steal my neighbors' cat (rant)

    He's a gorgeous fluffy orange-and-white splotchy longhaired cat. Not so gorgeous right now because his humans make him stay out all night including in rain, and they don't brush him. But he'd clean up nice. They haven't gotten him fixed so he gets in fights, so he's starting to get a little...
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    Homes needed in 2-3 months (East TX)

    A couple I know has a litter on their hands from a stray that showed up pregnant (and another stray they're feeding may also be expecting a litter). The current kitten count there is 5 and they already have as many indoor cats as their house will comfortably hold. They are not anti-declaw as...
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    Worming Products

    Are any over-the-counter worming products any good these days? I just saw a piece of "wiggly rice" on Panther's backside, and I'm not going to play the game of treating her, waiting to see who has symptoms next, meanwhile having everyone catch them including Panther again. Everyone's getting...
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    Greenies treats

    Do any cats actually like these things? I bought them once because they were supposed to be good for cat breath (Chilsa had a habit of yawning in my face), and none of the cats would touch them. The shelter gave us a couple packs of samples, and I opened one up and put the treats in a little...
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    New Additions

    BF and I had talked for a while about getting "our cat." A few days ago we went into PetSmart to pick up a feedbag for Squirrel and Panther, and stopped by the adoption display...where not one but two of the cats there reached out and stole our hearts. The next day, we went to the shelter to...
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    Free cat food for hard times/feral colony

    I bought some Sam's Club store brand cat food before I got paid and it really does NOT agree with my cats' stomachs (Panther, especially, is sensitive to a lot of foods). I've bought them a new feedbag of food that sits right with them and would like to give the Sam's Club food to someone who...
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    Salem, OR kitties need help

    My cousin lives with her parents near Salem, OR. She has way less income than them, and a lot of bills that they ran up for her (she was young and naive and let them use her credit card), but she's still the only one taking responsibility for the cats that live on the property. As a result...
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    RIP Random Puppy

    About this time last night, BF's dog got loose and bit a dog three times his size. BF's dog is a dachshund so that doesn't take much. The dog took off running, at which time BF noticed that the dog still had that slightly goofy puppy run. BF lives about two streets over from a US Highway...
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    Panther's going to stop meow meow meoooowing...

    I'm going to get a larger-than-expected excess student loan funds check sometime in the next few weeks, and the vet clinic nearest to my house has boarding so, if work materializes by then so that my schedule doesn't allow me to get them in on the same day, for $20 extra each I can drop the cats...
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    After way too long in the carrier (pre-visit vet trip to get shots needed before leaving, being in the carrier while we packed because the door was going to be open for longer periods of time, and the two day drive), my cats have a little bit of a fragrance going on. Squirrel just wants to be...
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    Not looking forward to this...

    I'm taking my two skitty kitties in to the low-cost clinic at the humane society this Friday, to get their rabies shots and certificates for the move. This means I have to get them into the carrier. The clinic is first-come first-served, so I need to be there early, and I am not not NOT a...
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    Miss Piggy

    I'm technically assuming on this one, but she was definitely not one to find a different home. My dad told me that Miss Piggy, one of the bottlefeeder litter that I raised as a teenager, wandered off one day and didn't come back. She was indoor/outdoor out in the country, in an area with some...
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    Panther is getting a bit chubby

    Panther (3yo, female, not yet spayed) has started to carry a bit of extra padding. I can still feel her ribs, but just barely. Through the belly area, she kind of looks like she still has kittenlike "baby fat." She gets around and plays with her sister and everything just fine, there's just a...
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    How do you get started in fostering?

    I wasn't really sure where to ask this; I hope I found the right spot. I absolutely refuse to breed my cats, but I miss having kittens. I've thought about getting into fostering so that I can have kittens around without adding a ton of permanent kitty-buddies--maybe either pregnant cats, mama...
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    Skitty kitty being brave!

    In the last few days, Squirrel (who is very skitty around all humans including me) has been taking treats right out of my hand. A few times she's even licked my hand in the process...I know it's probably because she was aiming at the treat and missed, but all I could think about it at the time...
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    BF has a dog!

    I'm taking the long distance out of my long distance relationship in a few weeks. I'm a cat person, have been since I was the equivalent of a kitten; my boyfriend, on the other hand, is a dog person. Now, I'm not entirely clueless about dogs. I lived with my aunt and uncle for two years when...
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    Bringing shots current

    What shots are required in Texas? I'm moving there next month. My cats haven't been poked for anything since their kitten shots.
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    Frustrating setback!

    I have two cats; their background is that they had little human socialization as kittens. Panther is cuddly with people she's used to; Squirrel often doesn't even let me pet her but she explores new places before her sister. They're both EXTREMELY skitty around new people--I didn't see them...
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    Panther, you're crazy...

    I always thought cats were supposed to eat, you know, meat. So, the night before last, as I was cooking my own dinner, I decided to share--when the meat was just barely done, before I seasoned it (I like stuff spicy and I didn't figure the cats would appreciate that), I took a few chunks of...