Search Results

  1. rahma


    My skinny little man... Has it really been 2 months since that fateful day... ...when we got the news that your kidneys were done? And was it only 10 short days after that... ...that you crossed the rainbow bridge? From first meeting to last, five months...   ...five months is...
  2. rahma

    Castiel Cumbercat

    This is my newest cat kid.  He's 8, adopted last October from the shelter I volunteer with.  He's a quiet mellow guy who has a bad habit of crawling all over you at the most inopportune times (like when you're trying to put a spoon full of soup in your mouth).  Sadly, he was just diagnosed with...
  3. rahma

    After a diagnosis of kidney failure - in need of moral support

    Hi, I'm logging back into this site after a few year hiatus, seeking help and support for CRF/kidney failure.  I've found my way to the CRF resources thread and am working my way through it slowly.  I think I'm in decent shape to handle this, but do need the moral support of fellow cat people -...
  4. rahma

    Outdoor to indoor kitty?

    Hello all, long time no see! It's been 4 years since you all helped me when I adopted my first (and thus far only official) cat.  I learned a lot and very much appreciate it. Here is my current conundrum.  I currently live in an apartment.  The people who rent the house next door let their...
  5. rahma


    Due to the humidity, we have to brush her royal fuzziness every day. The only thing that makes it tolerable is that we go outside for the brushing, so she can maw down on grass. Squeaky on grass is one happy happy kitty.
  6. rahma

    How long to wait?

    Long story, will try to keep it short. We'd been feeding Squeaky Purina One Natural. A few months back, they stopped making it and started produced Purina Beyond One. Score, I thought, a better quality food for the same price. Alas, the new food never satiated Squeaky. Although we were...
  7. rahma

    house rules

    1. If it's in the house, Squeaky gets to sit on it
  8. rahma

    rogue 13 reporting for duty

    Any death stars need blowing up today? why yes, I am a star wars obsessed crazy cat lady with too much time on my hands. Why do you ask?
  9. rahma

    dang paparazza!

    always flashing that dang camera in my face catching me in less than flattering positions no matter where I hide, she always seems to find me But, she feeds me. Therefore I will tolerate her. But only until I figure out how to work that can opener do-hicky. Then, we...
  10. rahma

    happy 2nd gotcha day Squeaky!

    2 years ago today, I first saw you in that tiny kennel at the humane society with the handwritten note saying "I'm a cuddling feind" (yes, spelled just that way). I took you to the play room, and I knew you were the one for me. The next day, your daddy and I braved a snow storm to pick you up...
  11. rahma

    have you seen these dishes?

    My mom gave me the most awesome cat dishes ever - but alas, she could not find a full set. I currently have 2 plates, 2 big bowls, a full set of dessert plates and a small bowl, and I'd really like to get a full serving set. Alas, I have tried every google search conceivable to try to find a...
  12. rahma

    I love my cat

    Sorry for the generic title, but that's just about the only way I can describe the warm fuzzy feeling I have towards my BFK (big fat kitty). Since I have asthma and allergies, Squeaky has always been banned from the bedroom. However, we just moved to a new apartment last month, and the door to...
  13. rahma

    the trouble with moving... that it involves boxes. And all boxes belong to cats. Thus, if you attempt to pack anything, a cat will come and assert it's divinely given feline right to sit in or on it. Totally not staged. I was packing, then went into another room for a minute to get something, and this is what I...
  14. rahma

    occasionally not using litter box

    We've had Squeaky for almost 2 years, and in all that time, the only time she had an accident was right at the beginning, when I was vacuuming and didn't realize it scared the pee right out of her. We recently moved to a new apartment and it's different. Wood floors, a bit colder. But we have...
  15. rahma

    OMGoodness I won! *faints* I'm donating half my prize to my cat rescue, so I'm waiting for the supply person to get back to me as to what they want more - a cat tree or a bunch of scratching posts/scratch boards. For myself, I plan on getting a litter box...
  16. rahma

    cute fundraiser

    Our rescue put together cards featuring some of our more famous residents and are selling them as a fundraiser. I'm so psyched to get a dozen sets and give them to everyone I know. It's probably even better if you know who the cats are, but still, how cool...
  17. rahma

    unsettled cat due to move

    Not really a question, more of a vent/plea for simpathy/looking for confirmation I'm not crazy. We moved apartments this last week and it's driven the Squeaky crazy. She never used to try to escape, but she's become a little escape artist - every time the door opens, she tries to dash out...
  18. rahma

    There's a 'cat crisis' at Twin Cities animal shelters

    At least it's making the news. Still, I just want to crawl under my desk and cry. If only if only if only. If only there were more money for no kill shelters, we could take in some of these 70 cats a day the AHS gets. We've luckily been adopting out quite a few for us, but it's still a drop...
  19. rahma

    squeaky things

    Based on the fabulous comic by everydaycute
  20. rahma

    warm and toasty

    The rule in our house - if it's on a relatively flat surface, it's fair game to be sat upon