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  1. P

    I have something to say

    I am no longer wanting to go by this username,I now want to be called PrairieStorm. I even changed my email address too It'd be easier to let me create a new account. But before I do anything,I shall wait until Friday for a response.
  2. P

    triple connected

    Here is the latest news. I switched from Yahoo to MSN. But I am now registered on the messengers and emails on Yahoo,MSN,and AOL. Now,you can talk to me directly.
  3. P

    Should Roke eat this?

    Up to now,I've been feeding Rokeniva Friskies Seafood Sensation,but now I'm not sure if that is a healthy food brand,or if it's nothing but junk. Does anybody have any recomending ideas on what I should feed my cat?
  4. P


    Has anyone here ever read this series about 4 groups of cats who live in warrior clans? It was written by Erin Hunter,I almost have every book.
  5. P

    Which food is best?

    Lately,I've been watching alot of different comercials about cat foods. It's like they're saying "Try this one for shiney coat,strong muscles,to make your cat healthy.etc etc blah blah blah" It made me wonder which name brand food was really the best. I've been feeding her Friskies Seafood...
  6. P

    She's making a statement,and I don't like it.

    Two days ago,I tried being a good cat owner,and took her to the vets for her annual check-up,and med shots. She wouldn't go into her carrier willingly,I had to lower her into it from above. She cried the whole time I carried her to the car. Yesterday,I found her droppings on the floor by the tv...
  7. P

    items as toys,safe or dangerous?

    Roke found two items that she seems to have fun with,the plastic ring from a milk carton,and the plastic wrapper that once came from a six-pack of soda pop. Should I let her play with these things,or should I throw them away?
  8. P

    I'm worried about my cat's hearing

    Can my cat go deaf from loud music? I've been having a problem with my next door neighbor,I tried several things to get he to keep it quiet. I tried" asking him nicly,having the assistant manger to ask him,I even gave headphones to use. But he is still playing his stereo too loudly,and it's...
  9. P

    Do cats have seisures?

    I'm worried about Roke,she was resting in front of the computer monitor as usual,and I noticed that paws and feet were twitching. I looked at her face,and her eys were open. I tried making noise to see if she would wake up,she didn't react. She snapped out of it a while later. Should I be worried?
  10. P

    New name,old face

    Hi,I used to be PrairieCrow,but now,I'd rather go by the name of PrairieDuck,or Ducky. I still have Roke,but I'm thinking of getting her declawed because she's too rough with the furniture.
  11. P

    Help,I need advice.

    There are four problems that I want to fix or solve with kitty. *1. scratching on bed and computer chair I bought her a deluxe scratching post with 2 perches,but I don't see her using it much except to sleep on it. Trying to distract her with a toy isnt as effective as I hoped. *2...
  12. P

    Roke's first Valentine's Day gifts

    I bought her a new mouse toy that's shaped like a heart,and a new kind of scratching post. The post has 2 sitting levels,2 dangling batting toys attached,and a circle tunnel for her to hide in. She likes to bat the toy under furniture so I would have to dig it out for her,and she like to sit on...
  13. P

    PetCo vs PetsMart

    Both of these stores are available for me,but I wonder which one has the most items and services,and the cheapest prices? I want to be a smart shopper.
  14. P

    Roke's first vet appointment

    Today,I took her to see the vet. She was declared to be healthy,but she hated that distemper shot. When we got back home,we slept most of the day away,the poor dear is still tired.
  15. P

    How can I turn wild into mild?

    Roke is most definatly a wild pet,she tends to chew wires,shred a large cardboard box,and tear the fuzz off of her toys. When she gets into mischief with the wires,I've been trying to distract her with a toy in the other room. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Lately,she being rough...
  16. P


    I noticed that Roke's eyes are watering. Should I clean or wipe them?
  17. P

    My ponderings

    Do cats have the capacity to feel and/or show love? Do they care about us?
  18. P


    Is it a good idea to use a brush on a cat's fur? Whenever I tried to brush Roke's fur,she gives me a nip that means "No". I even let her smell and see the brush.
  19. P

    This is what Roke did.

    I noticed that Roke's collar was bothering her so I decided to remove it before she strangles herself on it,but when I tried to remove it,she wouldn't hold still and she bit me on my right hand . . hard. and it hurt. Later the same night she started chewing on my tv stand/entertainment...
  20. P

    Should I be concerned?

    I had a glance at Roke's backside and it looked red,also I noticed she's been licking her underside. Should I consult a vet?