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  1. C

    So complicated...

    I have a young calico feral girl that is VERY preggo(she looks like a little kitty blimp with stick legs). She is due sometime this week or possibly early next week. I tried to catch her Sunday and, lucky me, the trap was to small so she scooted right out. I now have the right size trap and hope...
  2. C

    Oliver has allergies!

    My cat,Oliver, suffers from allergies he has a runny nose and runny eyes. I took him to the vet not even a week ago and he has a clean bill of health. Any suggestions on how I can lessen his symptoms? We'd both appreciate the advice! Thanks!
  3. C

    Hi,I'm new!

    Hi,I'd just like to give a little info about myself. I'm 17,love animals,and hope to be a vet. At the moment I own 3 cats who I will describe below, in addition I care for a colony of about 4-5 toms,volunteer with several rescues and have 4 guniea pigs and 2 wonderful dogs. Now then for my...