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  1. M

    I know there are a few threads on this but I can’t find how to clean the acne.

    This is what I use when my cats get a flare-up of chin acne. It works really well - they are usually all cleared up within a week of treating once a day with peroxide.
  2. M

    Read - seizure of animal food products at a PETCO distribution center.

    Well isn't this just fabulous? I just started buying food at Petco a few weeks ago (because it's a brand that Petsmart doesn't sell). Well, the bag I just bought looked okay to me. Let's hope they clean up their act quickly.
  3. M

    Do cats eat less in hot weather?

    Yeah, my cats have been eating less too. It didn't occur to me to connect it with the heat, but now that you mention it, that makes sense. Even I get eat less in the warmer months. My cats are strictly indoor cats, and we do have air conditioning, but we keep it set pretty high (80-82) to...
  4. M

    Is it normal?

    Oh yeah. Mila is a professional back-lying contortionist. I wish I had some pictures of her - she can really turn herself into a pretzel! And she acts like she's soooooo comfortable. Cats are so weird!
  5. M

    Calcium Oxalate crystals anyone?

    I apologize - I should have been more specific. The vet wants us to use Hill's c/d Multicare, which treats both types of crystals (struvite and oxalate):
  6. M

    Calcium Oxalate crystals anyone?

    Ugh. My poor Theodore just keeps having one problem after another. I'm at a complete loss now and looking for any advice. Here's a little background... He has had crystals in his urine before (although I never knew what kind before) and was briefly on Hill's Prescription Diet c/d Multicare...
  7. M

    Question of the Day - June 12th!!

    Ditto Ditto Ditto! Pretty much anytime I'm not at work is a good time.
  8. M

    Question Of The Day - Wednesday, June 11th!

    In an effort to save money and reduce our carbon footprint, we are trying very hard to go without our AC as much as possible. It's on, but it's set at 82 degrees most of the time. We run fans and open windows instead (we live in a very windy part of the country, so we can get a good breeze...
  9. M

    I was just insulted on a city owned webpage.

    Wow. That is beyond rude. I agree with sarap - when people have complete anonimity, they say the most awful things.
  10. M

    "Interval Training" -- what's the advantage?

    This is it in a nutshell. In technical terms, interval training, especially high intensity interval training (HIIT) increases your VO2max - it makes your body more efficient at delivering oxygen to working muscles. This means your lungs, heart and blood vessels are stronger and working better...
  11. M

    UTI, he cant pee, what do i do?

    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  12. M

    My Babies

    OMG, they are just adorable!!!
  13. M

    Too Many Thoughts, My Mind Never Takes a Break!

    Cardio always takes my mind off stuff! The tougher, the better!
  14. M

    The most difficult and heart breaking decision i've had to make in a long time...

    Oh that is so heartbreaking! I can only imagine how much you must be hurting to have to do this, but it's wonderful that your mom will be able to take her and she will be in a loving, happy home. It really does sound like the best decision for her and for you.
  15. M

    Question of the Day - June 6th

    I don't even remember, it's been so long! We probably went out for dinner, but I couldn't tell you where.
  16. M

    I want this kitten (like I need 3)

    I completely agree with this! That kitten is adorable, but by adopting it, it would only be encouraging this dumb owner to keep his cat unspayed. I would be half-tempted to send the owner a nasty email about letting his cat reproduce so much. If you don't have room for more cats, don't let...
  17. M

    Cat shock collars???

    Wow. Just wow. That is horrible and inhumane. I don't like shock collars for dogs either. That poor kitty. I agree with others about reporting them!
  18. M

    Car Won't "cover"

    Yeah, I think it's a boy thing. My boys don't always cover their poo either. Silly boys!
  19. M

    What do your indoor cats do all day?

    During the day? They mostly sleep. Lazy bums! They also play-fight with each other, and play with the millions of toys that are strewn about the house. They have plenty of entertainment.
  20. M

    Does anyone have a cat water fountain and how do your cats like it?

    I have tried ALL the fountains - Drinkwell, Petmate, the dome-looking one (I forget what it's called) and my cats love them all, but they are such a HUGE pain in the butt to clean out! Plus you have to buy filters for them all the time. I'm just not a fan. Then I discovered The Bubbler. It's...