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  1. carley

    Our moo moo neighbors!

    My husband and I have a wonderful little home and the best part is our fuzzy moo-ing neighbors! We get to see these guys every day when we step into our back yard. Watching them also keeps me entertained when I'm doing dishes - and it's just a gorgeous view! Anyway, I just wanted to share my...
  2. carley

    Shoe fetish

    Ringo has always had a thing for my shoes and today she branched out to loving on daddy's shoes. Am I wearing these right? I make these look goooood! You can pick your cat and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your cat's nose...
  3. carley

    Hanging out with Ringo!

    I haven't been on here much in a while. There's been a lot going on, but Miss Ringo is still as crazy as ever and quite the master of mischeif! I thought I'd share a few recent photos of her. I hope you all enjoy - I love my baby girl!!!! Ringo picking out which CD we are going to listen...
  4. carley

    A few new pics of Ringo

    Another attempt to comb Miss Ringo ends in failure. ??? No idea what this face is all about! Bad kitty unapologetically hanging out on the kitchen counter. I was taking a photo of those cute paws and a nose snuck in there! Ringo has claimed the bottom drawer as "hers," so we put a...
  5. carley

    It was only a matter of time...

    It was only a matter of time until the toilet paper roll fell victim to the ever mischevious Ringo. I woke up to get ready for work and this is what I found: Somehow she had managed to get the tp roll off of the wall and brought it into the living room before she went into complete...
  6. carley

    I don't remember picking this up at the grocery store...

    My husband and I went to the grocery store tonight and when we got back Ringo decided to jump into one of the bags on the floor. Every time we acted like we were going to reach into the sack, she would attack! A girl had to defend her bag, after all! I'm so glad that I was able to grab the...
  7. carley

    Ringo seeking world domination?

    Those of you who saw Ringo's shower curtain pictures might enjoy this...and I hope the rest of you will too! Whenever someone is in the bathroom Ringo now runs in and gets between the shower curtain and liner and is ready to play. Our shower curtain is clear with a map of the world on it and...
  8. carley

    Job Hunting Woes

    It is so darn difficult to get a job right now and it is really starting to get me down. My teaching assistantship contract ended in early May and I have applied for at least sixteen different positions since then and have ended up with nothing. All of the job interviews I've had have gone...
  9. carley


    I just posted this picture of Ringo on my MySpace page: The caption read: "Ringo biting into an invisible cheeseburger." My friend Holli just made this and posted it under the photo. It totally made my day! Here are some more photos of Ringo that I took today. She's been in such a silly...
  10. carley

    Introducing Bonita

    This is my in-laws' kitty, Bonita. She's such a lovely girl! ^She has that serious look on her face because the dog, Lucy, is in the house. Boni is NOT Lucy's biggest fan!
  11. carley

    Some people!

    My brother-in-law and his long-time girlfriend graduated from high school yesterday, so it was a pretty big day for the family. We were all very excited, of course. My sister-in-law and I sat together at graduation and we were talking and laughing a bit when this bossy old lady turns around...
  12. carley

    Ringo and the Shower Curtain

    A few nights ago, Ringo decided to hang out between the shower curtain and liner. She was sooo cute that I had to take a few pictures. Hope you don't mind me sharing! She loved all of the attention she got from her shower curtain fun and now anytime my husband or I go to the...
  13. carley

    Job Interview - sooo nervous!

    I've been a teaching assistant at my university for the past academic year, but my contract ended in early May so I have been left to look for work. I've been having a rather difficult time with the shabby economy and all. Also, potential employers seem to disregard me right off the bat as...
  14. carley

    The Boys

    These are my doggies, Dodger and Cato. They had to stay behind at my parents when I got married as they are BIG boys and wouldn't quite fit into our apartment! I miss them like crazy, but we go visit them every chance we get. Cato (the troublemaker, but oh so cute ) Dodger (an absolute...
  15. carley

    So, apparently Ringo was busy last night...

    I woke up to find the living room a complete disaster area. Here is a wee rundown of what Ringo was up to last night. *There are kitty toys ALL over the living room. This isn't especially unusual, but she managed to trudge up toys that we haven't seen in months from somewhere! *The big...
  16. carley

    I like your shoes, mom.

    You can't have them back, sorry.
  17. carley

    Playtime with Ringo! (Picture heavy)

    My husband and Ringo had a good time playing with the tassel toy last night! "I think I hear one of my toys!" *Stalk, stalk* "You're in for in now, shiny thing!" "You can't see me!" "How dare you get in my hide-away cube!" "You are in for it!" "I have expert hiding skills. The...
  18. carley

    Bothering Ringo with the camera again...

    I can't help myself. She's just too darn cute!! Oh no, mom! Not the camera again. I am not amused. This is what I truly think about all of this. Okay...I guess I'll play along. Wait, I think I've spotted a cricket! My husband took this one with his camera phone...she gets so...
  19. carley

    Lazy Kitty (pic heavy)

    Whenever I'm taking photos of Miss Ringo I seem to always catch her in a yawn. Is she telling me that I bore her??? Big yawns for the camera! Post yawn...gotta love that little pink tongue!
  20. carley

    Exam Stress!

    This afternoon I have to sit for an oral examination on a seminar class that I took this semester on English Revolutions. The class covers the English Reformation to the Glorious Revolution. I've been pouring over my notes for hours upon hours, but I feel more confused now than ever! It also...