Search Results

  1. ddestes

    Newman's Own Organic Pet Food

    Anyone seen this or tried this yet? Thought I might give it a try. For more info go to:
  2. ddestes

    Brushing Teeth?

    What does everyone use to brush their cat's teeth? The idea of taking my kitties in every year to be put under for a teeth cleaning is not appealing so I want to start brushing their teeth to help prevent the need for the 'cleaning' so often. Also, what technique do you use to get them to...
  3. ddestes

    Pet Insurance - anything cheaper than VPI??

    I signed up for Veterinary Pet Insurance last year for my 2 kitties and chose the higher premium because it paid a lot more for the various illnesses, etc. It's about $300 for 2 cats! Does anyone know of a quality pet insurance that is lower in cost but still pays decent coverage?
  4. ddestes

    yearly shots all at once?

    What is the recommendation these days on yearly shots? What does everyone do, go ahead and give them yearly? Also, does everyone allow the vet to give all of them at once or spread them out separately from each other? For instance, do rabies once and FELV another day, and the all in one shot...
  5. ddestes

    when is kitten fully grown?

    Do all kittens continue to grow until they're a year old, or do breeds differ between each other? I have a 9 month old boy and am hoping he doesn't get any bigger! He's already really long bodied and weighs 10 pounds, plenty big belly sticking out on the sides, looks funny on a long bodied...
  6. ddestes

    flea meds necessary?

    Is it really necessary to use flea control if my kitties don't ever go outside? Even tho my doggies have both passed away I plan on treating the lawn outside for the very reason of keeping away fleas and ticks from the house. Won't this be good enough?
  7. ddestes

    Cleaning a rear end

    I have a female 1 1/2 year old that is about a pound and a half overweight. She's short bodied to begin with so this adds quite a pooch down in her lower abdomen area. I'm saying this because I think this is why she doesn't stay as clean as she should down in her private areas, like maybe she...
  8. ddestes

    Fresh Flow vs. Drinkwell Fountains

    Does anyone have any advice on the pros and cons of either of these? Has anyone had any problems with the Fresh Flow fountain? Sometimes when I take it apart and clean it (weekly) it doesn't start up and flow like it should, so I have to start all over and take it apart again and put it back...
  9. ddestes

    hiccups after eating?

    Do anyones kitties get the hiccups after they eat? Mine go thru it for a few seconds every single time they eat! I've never seen a cat do this and was curious how common it was. They also seem to get the hiccups sometimes when they're playing and have done a lot of jumping in the air after...
  10. ddestes

    immune booster?

    Has anyone used anything to boost their kitties immune system? What are the pros and cons of using something like this? I had received advice from someone that they used something like this on their kitties that had been exposed to FIP, and mine have been exposed to it.
  11. ddestes

    Flaky Paw Pads

    Has anyone had a cat where the skin on their paw pads flaked similar to our feet when they get dry? Is there something I can put on her pads to moisturize them where she won't lick it off, and if she does try to lick it, it won't hurt her to digest any of it?
  12. ddestes


    Has anyone had any experience with FIP? I got my 2 kitties (mother, daughter) from a breeder and the kitten died about 2 weeks after I got her and they're thinking it might have been FIP. Well then I got a 'replacement' kitten to take her place and it was the kitten's brother. Now I hear that...
  13. ddestes

    Acquiring a cat vs a kitten

    For the first time I have acquired a year and a half cat along with a kitten and it's been a really strange feeling getting a grown cat like that. I was wondering if anyone else has ever experienced these types of feelings. It's like she belongs to someone else and I'm just borrowing her. Little...
  14. ddestes

    Bathing Cloths

    Has anyone used those pre-moistened cloths that you can buy to use for bathing your cats? It says it is 'safe' for the cat and you don't have to rinse the fur or anything. My cats have very short fur so I was wondering if this would be a good thing to use rather than trying to give them a full...
  15. ddestes

    Heated Kitty Beds?

    With winter hitting us I was wondering about a heated kitty bed of some kind. Has anyone ever used one? Any pros or cons on using one? My patio doors where my kitties usually like to hang out to watch the birds and squirrels give off so much of a draft that they are starting to stay away from...
  16. ddestes

    protein & fat percentages

    I have an adult cat 1 1/2 years old and her son 5 months old. I've had them 2 months and the mother has gained too much weight because I had them both on Science Diet Kitten Growth. My vet had me switch them to SD Maintenance, she said the kitten was old enough and that the mother really...
  17. ddestes

    lots of fun & informational too

    Since it's been a few years since having kitties, I've come here a lot to check out things many times to get others opinions! It's a great resource in addition to my vet. I also love the 'fun' forums where you can see pics and great stories! One question, how to people get their pics small...
  18. ddestes

    pic of my kitties

    Here is a hello from me and my kitties I just received about 2 months ago. They are Torrie (the son) and Lady (his mom). In the pic Torrie is 'hugging' Lady. They have been lots of fun and are very loving. It's been fun getting used to having kitties once again.
  19. ddestes

    Covering Up Food?

    After eating their can food treat in the mornings and evenings, my European Burmese kitties both do the 'cover up' thing over the bowls with their feet just like they do when 'covering up' in the litter box. I've never seen such a thing and was wondering if anyone else had ever seen a cat do...
  20. ddestes

    4 month old kitten nursing

    I have a mother cat and her 4 month old kitten. He still tries to nurse and I've noticed the back 2 teats are swollen and a little hard. Should I make him stop nursing, the mother doesn't seem to mind it, but is this hard on her? She weighs plenty so that's not a problem, or will it cause her to...