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  1. K

    New kitten, health questions

    He already is eating and drinking fine,and he potty in the litterbox this morning. His leg seems hurt though
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    New kitten, health questions

    Today, my older brother found a stray kitten, and brought him/her to us. The kitten is eating and drinking fine, but something seems wrong with one of his legs. His back left leg he won't walk on, and when I lightly pull on it, he doesn't make an effort to pull away. We are taking him to a vet...
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    Introduced new cat, now there is a problem with one of our older cats.

    We had 3 cats, Sparkles, twinkles, and Wee-wee. Sparkles Passed away in February and today we rescued a kitten. Wee-wee, the youngest cat about 5 years old, saw the new kitten, and immediately started hissing and growling. We quickly took the kitten away and put him back in his box to sleep, but...
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    My three cats The white one is...
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    I joined yesterday and decided to post a introduction thread. My name is Aaron, and I am 16 years old. I am often regarded as an old soul and very mature. I have 3 cats, and 5 dogs (3 inside 2 outside) Sparkles is the Alpha cat, and is our oldest pet at 7 years old. She *tolerates* our dogs...
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    Why Do We Bother??

    My cats favorite toy is the rod with a "bird" attached to the end of it. They break it all to often so we quit buying them. Other than that, the simplest piece of garbage will catch their attention. I can only say they are like us....They have preferences when it comes to toys
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    Digging for his water

    one of my cats does something like this. If she finds a foreign water source, she will stick her paw and lick it at first, then starts to lap at it
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    You really can find everything in Wal Mart!

    I got my male cat twinkles at walmart. (a man was giving away kittens and I just had to have one.)
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    Why I'm a Cat Person

    My cats are like this too. Sparkles with fuss at us when we are being rowdy, and all of the cats will love up on us when we are upset. I guess they can sense human emotions
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    My cats behavior. Hopefully someone can answer

    I have three cats. 2 females and a male. The oldest one Sparkles, is 7, Twinkles, the male is 5 and the youngest weewee (Ms wee) is 3. Sparkles in the self proclaimed Alpha because out of a house with 3 cats and 2 dogs, no one messes with her. Lately she has had allergy problems but they are...