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  1. S

    Christmas Trees and Cats!

    got some pics for you guys and a quick video from yesterday! LOL
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    Discipline. Shouting. Do they listen??

    thanks. I'll try that and i agree with what you say about them 'bending the rules' so to speak haha! Thank You!
  3. S

    Discipline. Shouting. Do they listen??

    Hi Just wondering if anyone else has this problem. If the cats are doing something wrong and you shout at them i get no response whatsoever! Its only when movement is put in that Bobby takes any notice. i dont know whether he knows he's doing something wrong and ignoring me or he's just none...
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    What do your cats do to get your attention in the morning?

    my Bobby meows at the door louder and louder and then hangs off the door handle while Mitsy pushes and opens the door. If we lock it though they just keep tryin and trying until i let them in, then they come and lie on your chest and purr. i'm glad they dont do this.......
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    What to do when its raining

    awww! nice photo's there. Our kittens love sitting at the window watching birds.
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    New foster

    she's gorgeous!!
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    Christmas Trees and Cats!

    Bitter apple? what do you do with it?! i'm a new cat owner so i havent got a clue hahaha!
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    I Have Decided to STOP Smoking!!!

    well done!!! i quit over 3 years ago and was the best thing i ever did. After a few days without a cigarette you notice things you couldnt before when you smoked. such as foods taste different and you can smell more things. all in all its making you better! Well done and keep it up! x
  9. S

    Christmas Trees and Cats!

    Hey everyone!! Its our kittens first christmas and we put our tree up yesterday and they wont leave it alone! You buy them so many toys to play with but as soon as you get something you dont want them to play with they're all over it!! They're 9months old now and the little boy is full of...
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    Attention Tortie Owners!

    i must be one of the lucky ones then because my little Tortie girl is good as gold, she's 9 months old now and if i tell her to come out of the bathroom or kitchen she will and she's always so sweet and gives kisses and cuddles all the time.................. however her brother Bobby is a right...
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    Whats wrong with her?!!!!! worried mummy

    thanks for your help everyone. they're still fighting and i know Mitsy's scared of him, there is tears in her eyes. bobby just wants to play and its heartbreaking. will keep them separate and see how it goes. they're 4 months old nearly 5
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    Photo's of newborn kittens!

    awwww!!! they're beautiful!! xx
  13. S

    new here!

    HI there. i've seen this site so many times before but had no idea u had a forum!! well i'm Steff (as u guessed lol) i have two kittens, they're 4 months old and are called bobby (ginger and white boy) and mitsy (a tortie girly) just a bit worried about their behaviour so i've posted in the...
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    Whats wrong with her?!!!!! worried mummy

    Hi everyone! I have two kittens, Mitsy and Bobby, girl and boy. a few weeks ago i took Mitsy to be spayed and when she got home to bobby her brother she was fine and they got along great. Now, today bobby has been to be neutered and when my b/f bought him home and re-introduced them Mitsy ran...