Search Results

  1. K

    female kitten trying to nurse from male brother

    Hi all, We have two 12 week old kittens. We took them home 4 weeks ago from my brother's house. Therefore, we know the Queen. In the last day or so, the female has been trying to nurse off the male (her brother). The boy does not seem at all bothered by this, but we are wondering if this is...
  2. K

    How can I block acess?

    Great idea! We purcashsed the one step ahead clear thing and are expecting delivery today. I will update after installed. Each morning, I open the door to the kitten's bedroom, and all I see is two blurry balls of fur fly out of the room. The funny thing is that they both get about 6-8 feet...
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    Upset tummy in kittens

    Hi, We brought home new kittens last night and both are having a little loose stool. They are eating (the same Science Diet as they have been) and are very active. We do plan to call the vet, but so far are attributing this to nerves. Anyone have similar experience?
  4. K

    How can I block acess?

    They are 8 weeks. The problem with the first step is that it is about 15 feet below the railing from this angle.
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    How can I block acess?

    Please take a look at this pic: What is not clear is that the other side of the railing is a very long drop. When we gave the new kittens a brief tour of the house, both of them stuck their heads through there and we had a moment of sheer terror when we thought they might slip or something...
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    Mimi and Horowitz -- their first night in Iowa

    We brought the kittens home last night and thought you'd want to see some pics.
  7. K

    Survey says...

    To clarify the "opening the door" comment in my original post. I did not mean we would open it and walk away. I just meant, first thing, when we open the door and walk in to be with them, how will they react?
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    How long will the Queen be depressed?

    We are taking both of the kittens. The mother will be living with 4 other cats, but no kittens. For a few reasons, we need to take them now.
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    How long will the Queen be depressed?

    How long does the Queen take to get over having her kittens taken away? We saved a cat, who now lives with my brother's family and his 4 cats. This weekend, we are taking her two 9 week old kittens to live at our house. The kittens will be totally spoiled and have a great life, but will the...
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    Biting my hands AND wires! Help!

    If I were to use this on the wires, any idea how often I will need to spray?
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    Survey says...

    Hi everyone, Have not posted in a couple of weeks, but we are on the way to Chicago to pick up the kittens. As I have mentioned before, the Queen was rescued by us in July and has been living with my brother's family and their 4 cats since. We are taking the two kittens home this weekend, for...
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    2 + 2 = ?

    We already talked about that idea and I have done some looking in shelters around here. Unless we "walk into" a situation where we are offered another two, we are going to start with the original two. I am convinced we will have two more within a month or two, and they will be from a shelter.
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    2 + 2 = ?

    That's it! So, a few years ago, at our parents 55th wedding anniversary, in front of 300 people, my brother had to do the blessing. He said "Mimi Horowitz" and not one person batted an eye.
  14. K

    2 + 2 = ?

    It is the end of a Hebrew blessing. I do not know how to spell the Jewish words, but it is something like "Mi'in H'aretz". Whenever my brother would get to that part, he could not pronounce it. So, I told him to just say "Mimi Horowitz" and no one would know the difference.
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    2 + 2 = ?

    Ok, here is the story. As I mentioned, we had a dog for 14 years. Like most of you, we spoiled the heck out of her and blurred the line between pet and child. When she died, it took us a while to even consider another one. When we both felt we were ready, and made it known to members of out...
  16. K

    2 + 2 = ?

    The names came from the story of how their Mother was rescued. I would be happy to repost that if you have not seen it. The girl is named MIMI and the boy HOROWITZ. Because of how they were found, they are named (sort of) for my Brother. Let me send the story again...
  17. K

    2 + 2 = ?
