Search Results

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    HP laptop battery safety recall.

    I just recieved a letter in the mail. I guess it is more than one battery that is the problem. The letter said to stop using it right away, use only ac power. It does not appear to be a scam as it says to go to the HP website for info on how to get your free battery, which models are...
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    Forum allowances.

    Hi, I notice I cannot post on the IMO forum. I don't have a problem with that, however I was reading the cash for clunkers thread and had some answers (facts not opinions lol) to some of the questions. Is there a proper forum to discuss news etc, that everyone can reply to? I usually just...
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    Hi I don't post a lot

    I'm not really new. I usually read but don't post very much. I still don't have a cat, but there is a stray that hangs around a lot. He is pretty skinny, and not to scared. He even teases our dog by sitting right outside the glass door. If I can convince him to come it I will turn him into...
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    Does color enter into personality?

    I have heard people say that a calico is more likely to have such and such personality, same with tabby, tuxedo etc. Is this true? We are getting an adult, so it won't really matter because it will already have it's personality traits. I was just wondering.
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    The right cat/dog combo

    Couldn't come up with a title, but figured that will be eye catching. I have decided that our 15 pound poodle mix would probably do well with a cat. She watches all the stray/free roaming ones that come into our yard with interest, but not aggression. She will walk right up to the neighbors...
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    Kind of new

    I joined some time ago, posted a few times, but have not been around in a while. At the time I didn't have any cats...and still do not (for the moment anyway) Just here for info, fun, and perhaps advice in the not to distant future.
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    I am new here. I just found the site the other day. I don't have a cat currently. We are talking about adopting a cat or kitten. The only thing is, we have a poodle mix that we adopted last year. She really does not seem to like it when neighborhood cats are in 'her' yard.