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  1. B

    Cats Fighting alot

    Jeez this forum logs you out pretty fast, just wrote long message only to wipe it because i had been signed out. Thanks for all the replies, I think that it may be a combination of Rizzla wanting to be the dominant one, and some Kitty adolescence, I have noticed Rizzla sleeping in a couple of...
  2. B

    Cats Fighting alot

    They were both spayed and neutered when I got them, they both spend a good deal of time outside and neither of them are bothered by any of the neighbouring cats, they are both pretty big - about 12 pounds. Also it is coming into winter down here in the southern hemisphere! They both seem in good...
  3. B

    Cats Fighting alot

    Hi, I have 2 Bengals, 1 Female who is 19 months old and 1 male that is 14 months old. I had the Female for about 5 months before I got the Male and she wasn't too impressed with the new edition when she first saw him, tho after about 2 weeks and a lot of chasing and a very cold winter they...