Search Results

  1. P

    4 Cats, 1 House

    So I've been away for the past few weeks, babysitting the kitties at my parent's house. I've been gradually introducing my cats to my Mom's cats over the past months, so that when I brought mine over for the "big sleepover" everyone would be relatively well adjusted. I have to say, I am just...
  2. P

    Headband with Bangs? Fashion Advice?

    I am very fashion-challenged and need advice. I'm starting a new job in about a week and need to dress nicely for the first time ever. My question is: can I wear a headband if I have bangs? I'm looking for more options than my standard hair down/hair in a ponytail to add to my repertoire, but...
  3. P

    Do you suffer from depression?

    Hope this isn't too intrusive to ask, so please ignore me if you wish. I've noticed a fair number of people (myself included) posting about their personal issues relating to depression and similar problems. I'm curious about how many people here have experienced this, either in their past or...
  4. P

    Toilet Troubles

    So my toilet has been acting funny for the past little while. It flushes normally, refills with a normal amount of water, but about 1/2 hour later I look in the bowl again and the water has almost all drained away. It's not making any funny sounds, is not continually running and most...
  5. P

    Does this make me look fat?

    Is it time to start thinking about putting Pekoe on a diet?
  6. P

    Happy-Happy Good Mood!

    I've been in a baaaad mood all day (well, actually all week to be honest) and suddenly I was just sitting here thinking wow, for no apparent reason, everything is okay again. Sure, I mean all the unfortunate things that caused my bad mood are still there, but right now, I'm in a good mood and I...
  7. P

    New Favourite Spot

    I just put up a new cabinet in my bathroom, which Nigel has adopted as his new perch. He looks exceptionally proud of himself lounging up there.
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    Silly Wet Nigel

    Nigel likes to slide around in my bathtub after I take a shower. The problem is that my tub is draining a bit slower than normal, so he jumped in to find out that there was more water than he expected. Silly kitty. At least he didn't seem too upset by it.
  9. P

    The bathmat is not a litter box

    So I was cleaning out the litter boxes, and Nigel was pawing around, acting a little strange. But then Nigel IS strange, so I just assumed he was being the weird kitty that he is. Turns out that he wasn't just being weird, but that he needed to use the litter box RIGHT AWAY and didn't...
  10. P

    The boys are in a breaking mood

    I don't know what's up with my little terrors, but lately they've been breaking everything. They're almost a year now, I thought they'd be out of their kitten breaking phase!! Someone's broken my (favourite) vase, which I luckily managed to put back together without too much damage, three...
  11. P

    Will you take me home?

    Here are some pictures of the two kitties I'm trying to find a home for. The black one is a Japanese Bobtail (named, appropriately enough, Bobbi), and the other is a tabby named Nuggets. I've been told that they can go to separate homes, but that last picture really makes me want to...
  12. P

    Rehoming Cats

    I work with a guy whose gf is looking to give away 2 cats. More specifically, she is looking to get rid of them, and if no one will take them she'll put them to sleep. Obviously this idea horrifies me so I've volunteered to help find homes for them (and to temporarily take them if it comes to...
  13. P

    Snuggle Time

    They do not look happy about my interrupting their snuggles. "C'mon Mom, can't you see we're busy?"
  14. P

    Dinner Time

    No, not for the kitties, for me. This is how they like to sit and watch me as I sit down to eat my dinner. I was going to make some smug comment about my boys being the perfect gentlemen and staying off the table while I try to eat when this happened: Pekoe lunges for the food... can't...
  15. P

    Irritated/Balding Nose?

    I don't really know how to describe what's going on with Pekoe's nose... it seems to be going bald right at the spot where the pink (normally bald) area joins the "furred" area. Does that make sense? Here's a picture if it helps any. Does anyone have any idea what's going on/how to fix it...
  16. P

    Home Needed for 2 Cats

    If anyone in the Central Canada area (Winnipeg, to be exact) is interested, a co-worker of mine is looking to give away two cats. Apparently they're about 3 years old, one is a black, long haired cat, and the other he described as "multicoloured". I don't know exactly what the story with...
  17. P

    I Just Can't

    I had a series of job interviews over the past few days (for the same position) and they all went really well. I was told that they hope to make a decision by Monday, and that it seemed like I may be a "really good fit". The problem? I'm beyond petrified of leaving my current job. This new...
  18. P

    As seen on TV/Infomercial products

    Do you have any of this stuff? Does it work just as brilliantly as it appears to in the ads? I got to bragging about my Ginsu Knives (which sadly, though not surprisingly, do not cut through a can all that easily) in this thread and now am curious about other people's experiences with other...
  19. P

    Crafts + Cats = Frustration

    I've never really been frustrated with the boys before, but there's a first time for everything. I was making a wreath for my front door, and the flowers and ribbon and wreath form were just too much for the little ones. I swear they didn't leave me alone for a second while I was working on...
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    Sleepy Pekoe

    "But Meowmy, I'm tired. I don't want to get up."