Search Results

  1. R

    Update On Arek

    Having gone back and forth about whether to send Arek to a new home or not, I decided that I needed to hear a voice of reason from someone who was familiar with Arek's personality and could offer some objective advice. So early last week, I called the woman who had been helping us with him and...
  2. R

    My husband made me dinner!!!

    I was really craving something for dinner tonight other than fruit (which is what the kids had for dinner) and was going to run up to the fast food store up the road. My husband told me not to and said that he would make something for me (we've both been trying to eat more healthy.) He made me...
  3. R

    Confused about Points and Gifts

    Okay, I'm trying to buy gifts for some people, and I'm lost. I'm on the page where I can buy them but... what ARE they??? What would someone like? I know the ribbons stand for something, but do the gifts stand for something as well? HELP!!! I have about 300 points to spend on each person...
  4. R

    Two thumbs up for Nutro!!!

    I recently switched the cats over to Nutro... we were trying to find a good brand of cat food due to some possible food sensitivity problems (which I've found out were probably more antibiotic related than food sensitivity.) Anyway, we use Feline Pine cat litter and one of my cats WONT COVER...
  5. R

    More Sneezeweed and Snowberry Pics!!!

    Okay, you guys, I’m sorry for hogging up the “fur pictures” forum! As I said in the other post, please bear with me as I go through my new-kitten "lets take as many pictures as possible of them doing EVERYTHING" phase. It will end eventually! But for now.... Here are more pictures of...
  6. R

    I don't think I can give him up!

    Weâ€8482ve talked about finding Arek a new home, and we had finally found the “perfect†home for him. But Iâ€8482m having second thoughts… guys, I just donâ€8482t think I can do it. Arek is MY CAT!!! I just canâ€8482t give him up - I just canâ€8482t! Even my husband (who is NOT a cat...
  7. R

    Is anyone else afraid to invite someone over for dinner?

    It seems that more and more often of late, every time I take a bite of nearly anything we cook it has CAT FUR in it! I'm terrified to invite anyone over for dinner anymore, or bake any bread for friends, neighbors, etc. I can just imagine them biting into a nice LONG piece of fur!!! Anyone...
  8. R

    Sneezeweed and Snowberry (day two)

    Well, they were a lot more active today so I was able to get more pictures (yay!) Snow is 100% PLAY but Sneeze cuddled with me a bit. Had to take pictures with the flash off because they kept squinting up their eyes when I had the flash on, so they're a little bit dark. Thanks for sharing my...
  9. R

    A new home for Arek

    White Cat Lover told me that when the right home came along for Arek, we would “know.†Weâ€8482ve had several applicants on him in the short time he‘s been on our website, and though they were all good homes, none of them were the homes I wanted Arek to go to. More to the point, none of...
  10. R

    'Night everyone

    Okay, I'm off to spend some time with my husband. Goodnight TCS!!!
  11. R

    They're HERE!!!!!

    I am happy to announce the arrival of Sneezeweed and Snowberry!!! I have posted pictures on in the pictures section. They're still pretty nervous, but Snowberry has already started to explore the office and play a little bit. They're just adorable and I'm so glad they're here!!!
  12. R

    Sneezeweed and Snowberry have arrived!!!!

    Here they are!!! I couldn't get any great pictures, as they're still in hiding, but I promise there will be more soon!!! Snowberry (pictured on the left) is much more independent than her male counterpart, Sneezeweed. She has taken a trip around the room several times, while he has...
  13. R

    How did you come up with your cats names?

    We finally came up with names for our new kittens (see post... "on a happier note... KITTENS!") and it took FOREVER to decide them. It made me curious... how did you guys come up with names for your kitties?
  14. R

    On a happier note... NEW KITTENS!

    We still haven't made any decisions regarding Arek. We have listed him on our website, but I have no idea whether I'll actually be able to let him go if it comes down to it. I don't know if I'm being selfish not to give him up, or if I'm really trying to do what's in his best interest, but...
  15. R

    The grass is always greener...

    The food is always better in someone else's bowl. And the view is always better from someone else's cupboard. The bed is always better in someone else's crate. Or in someone else's box. Or in someone else's bed. But I have to say, he's really trying to mend his ways. He's found...
  16. R

    Advice Needed

    Iâ€8482ve debated back and forth about posting this for a while now because itâ€8482s such a “touchy†subject, but Iâ€8482d really like to get some advice and feedback. Our Maine Coon Arek (pictured in the signature) doesn't seem to be doing very well here. He is totally anti-social and has...
  17. R

    Our First Rescue Cats!!! Pic suggestions, anyone?

    When we introduced ourselves a few weeks(? Months? I can't remember) ago, someone mentioned that we should start to take in cats as well as dogs (we run a dog rescue.) We've taken in a purebred cat in the past (by accident, someone contacted us and he was a breed we knew we could place quickly)...
  18. R

    Our First Rescue Cats!!! Pic suggestions, anyone?

    Sorry for the double post! I can't figure out how to delete this one!!!
  19. R

    How did you meet your cat?

    Troutâ€8482s momâ€8482s answer to the “how did you meet your DH/SO†question made me curious… This may have been asked before, but how did you guys meet your cats? We found one of ours on, one was given to us, and the other two were from breeders. What about you guys?
  20. R

    A poopy cat… the end is near!!!

    I am ecstatic tonight and just had to share with you guys!!! We have been having sooooo many problems with Arek and his litter box habits, and I think that the end is finally near!!! I “caught†him using his litter box during the day for the first time today and Iâ€8482m soooo glad...