Search Results

  1. E

    Going green

    We bought new fabric bags for the groceries because they stoped giving us plastic bags in the supermarkets... and the girls were very curious, as always...
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    Bath time

    The girls love to play in the bathtub...
  3. E

    Sundae at 18 months

    My little baby is a little lady now
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    Changing the sheets

    This is how the girls help me change the sheets on my bed...
  5. E

    My ladies

    The latest pictures of my girls...
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    This is the way...

    This is the way we wash our face... wash our face... wash our face...
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    I'm gonna need a bigger bed

    This was taken Friday morning when we got up... the girls love to sleep with us and they really hog the bed... I'm gonna need a King size bed soon...
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    How embarassing

    How embarassing... I'm naked...
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    The new kitty condo

    I bought a little something for the girls last Saturday... It's a big hit and they just adore it...
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    Cat pile

    My girls make me soooo happy when I see them like that...
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    Snuggling pictures

    I'm soooo happy that they all love each other like that...
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    New pictures of Sundae

    Hello... Ain't I cute? Peek-a-boo
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    Daddy's day off

    Yesterday Daniel took a day off and he took some cute pictures of the girls...
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    Oh yeah... that's the good life...

    For my next life I want to come back as a pampered cat...
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    Sundae really is a Canadian cat... She loves to watch hockey...
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    A little boy

    There's nothing like a 2 years old boy to empty the batteries of a 3 months old kitty...
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    She loves them

    Looks like Sundae really loves her big sisters... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Do you mind... we're having a moment here... Sorry about the red eyes but I had to show you the cat pile...
  18. E

    My girls

    Here are a couple of pictures I took last weekend... Moogy Keiko Pixelle Sundae