Search Results

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    RIP Babygirl

    Last week we took B.G. to the vet for her ultrasound and they found that, while there wasn't anything like cancer making her so sick, they couldn't see any cause for it. By that point, too, it had become hepatic encephalopathy which is where the toxins that built up in the liver due to it not...
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    Interested in switching over to a raw diet

    I've been hearing for a while that raw foods are much better for them, and it only is common sense that it would be since they're carnivores. I've done a little research but would like to know what some of you on here are feeding, like if there are certain parts of certain animals your cats...
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    More bad luck with cats...

    About a month ago I noticed that my sisters ex-cat, now my foster, wasn't eating and was looking jaundiced so we took her into the vet. I wasn't at my house for about 3 weeks but my bf didn't take the time to really look at her and it turns out she'd lost about 3 pounds. They did a blood work up...
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    growth on old kitty

    My 13 year old DSH has a growth right next to one of her nipples. We first noticed it in December, literally the day before we left for Florida for Christmas. We've checked it several times a day since then and nothing was changing, it wasn't sensitive, or growing, and there haven't been any new...
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    Little Libby

    I'm posting this for my mom's rescued maltese Libby. My mom is gone this week on vacation in new york and I've been going over to her house to take care of her animals. On Monday when we went over my mom's male dog greeted us as normal, bouncing and barking, but we didn't see Libby. I look...
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    A message from Tempyst?

    Hello everyone. I wasn't sure which forum to post this in, and I thought that this would probably be the most appropriate. My cat Tempyst had to be euthanized 6 months ago due to complications from improper medication for a heart condition. A couple weeks after that I heard what sounded like...
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    For Tempyst

    Little Tempyst, my baby tiger.. You were always so sweet and loving, even at the very end. You tried so hard to not let us know you were sick, but you couldn't help it. I look at your picture a few times a day, my favorite, the one of you at 7 weeks old at a costume contest in the pumpkin hat I...
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    can't upload?

    I tried to upload a picture for my signature but on the 'signature permissions' beneath the text box it says I can't upload pictures for my signature. Anyone know how that could be changed so I can?
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    Hard new year

    Well, Tempyst did it again. Yesterday we had to make a trip to the emergency vet at about 1 a.m. because he was breathing very fast and his heartbeat seemed twice as fast and hard as it should be. The vet said he wasn't going into heart failure (good), but probably has an infection like FIV or...
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    Tempyst's results

    We just got back from the vet's office, and I just have to say I -love- this vet. She was compassionate to his condition and our monetary situation, she listened to his history from me and reviewed his records from his previous vet. Her attitude wasn't uppity like so many vets I've been to are...
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    a difficult decision

    My cat Tempyst was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy about 5 months ago, as well as a weak lung lobe which causes him to get pneumonia a lot. The medicine we were given is supposed to help his heart by relaxing the blood vessels so it doesn't have to pump as hard, but then it causes him...
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    keep tape on?

    My cat went in for her hematoma surgery and we were told to keep the surgical tape on her ear for at least 4 days. well, we got her home and she took it off the first night. We put new tape on it today, but she took it back off immediately just by shaking her head. Does anyone have any tips on...
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    Aural hematoma in senior cat

    My 12 year old queen, Meeker, recently got an aural hematoma from shaking her head due to the ear mites she has. We took her to the vet and got her some meds for the mites and also the vet aspirated (drained) the hematoma. It came back (as i'd already read it would) and we're going to schedule a...
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    Mounting behaviour

    My cat is 1 year old, and can't be neutered, according to his vet, because of his heart problems, but because he's not neutered he gets aroused quite often. I'm not sure what's setting him off (other than maybe just hormones?) as my females are spayed, but he tries to mount everything he can to...
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    My little Edward

    In may a kitten was brought to my work because somebody found it by a garage and i decided to take it home to foster it til I could find it a new home. Well, the time has come to start looking but everytime I think of him going away and not being part of our family anymore i just start crying...
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    need some help!!

    Hey guys, I've been gone for a while but I haven't forgotten you all. ^_^ I adopted a kitten in october after a big rainstorm, we're talking huge, and couldn't locate any owners for him. He was about 5 weeks old then. He started getting sick a lot, coughing, sneezing, the works, and we took him...
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    Upper Respiratory Infections

    Hello all. This is my first post in a long time and I hope you will forgive me. My oldest (11 yrs) and youngest (9-10 wks) kitties both have upper respiratory infections due to an unknown source. The elder, Meeker, started coughing and having runny eyes so I took her to the vet and she was...
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    I have successfully moved back to Utah, and am just waiting til the end of the month when things are going to get really crazy for my kitties. They were staying at my mom's and my old apartment that my ex-boyfriend, mom and i lived in and now my ex-boyfriend and mom live in (he's leaving in a...
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    Ganging up

    My boyfriends cat and my tom love to pick on Meeker; whenever she's out from under the bed they'll sneak up and surround her, Draco in the front and Mally behind, blocking her retreat. Meeker starts hissing and growling and freaking out and it's so sad to see her doing that, getting so scared of...
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    elderly cat

    My oldest cat Meeker is going to be 11 this year, and we think she may be having some urination problems. My boyfriend and I have discovered a lot of urine on some garbage bags that have clothes in them and we don't really know who's doing it but we both have our suspicions that it's Meeker. The...