Search Results

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    Cosmo, 2003 - 2017

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    UTI - Home Remedy?

    Hello, My five year old male short hair has had a few urinary tract infections over the years. I know the best treatment is to take him to the vet. But are there any natural ways to prevent UTI in the first place? Is there a dietary component to this? Do low-cost cat foods increase the...
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    Bad Kitty!

    Hello All, New problem, looking for some advice... I have two cats, have had them several years. Recently, one of them has been poop-ing in the kitchen sink. The cat box is clean, with new litter. Yet one of them (not sure which one) has been ignoring the box and prefers the sink instead...
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    New Carpet

    I have two cats, Cosmo and Curby. They're pretty well behaved; they usually use their two scratching posts. However, on occassion they will get lazy and use the rug/mat in the kitchen. I want to get wall to wall carpeting in the living room, but am concerned they will see it as one big...
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    My newest kitty (one year old) broke an upper canine tooth. It looks bad, but there's no blood. I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow, but wondering if anyone has had this experience. Worst case scenario, what's the cost to have a tooth extracted?
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    Cat Injury

    Hello again... Seems like I'm always posting something relating to an injury of one of my cats. I spotted blood in the shape of a cat pad. I checked and found that a toe nail on the rear leg of my cat Cosmo is bleeding. It looks like perhaps the exterior portion of the nail was peeled off...
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    Due to the recent rat poison scare, I found out that IAMS is made by Menu Foods. Turns out that Menu Foods makes cat food for other brands too. Is it the same food? If so, why is IAMS more expensive? I feel like I've been paying for marketing. Are the expensive brands any better than the...
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    Neutered, Not Eating, and Throwing up Liquid

    My six month old male kitty was neutered last Thursday. He plays, purrs, and does normal kitty stuff, but he's not been eating much. I even tried giving him wet food which he used to gobble up. Now he eats very little, and most times just gives a few licks of the food juice. He won't even...
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    This is my first cat, Cosmo...
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    My new Kitty...
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    What to Name New Kitty...

    Name my cat... Originally, I chose the name Grady. I found him on a subway grate; therefore the name Grady (Grate-y) But now (one week later) I think I like the name Curby; as in street curb, or thrown to the curb. Also, my other cat's name is Cosmo, so I thought that the name Curby is a...
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    Sign of Aggression ?

    My male cat Cosmo (4 years old) just recently started to bight the male kitten (5 months old) on the back of his neck. He isn't bighting hard enough to do any damage. (Kitty doesn't cry or try to run) Is this normal behavior?
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    How Much...

    Hello All, I recently took in a stray kitten. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep him, because I already have a four year old cat. If I do decide to have a two cat household, how much room do they need? I'm always concerned that cats need more room to run and jump, etc. I live in a one...
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    I found a stray cat/kitten. I am going to hold onto him until I can find him a good home. But one problem I have is that he meows like crazy when I leave my apartment, even if it's only for a few seconds. Is there anything I can do?
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    Hello All, At 6 a.m. this morning I found a six month old cat/kitten. He was just sitting on a subway grate, next to a parked car. He was meowing quite loud. He is absolutely beautiful; dark and light grey markings, with amber colored eyes. He is very friendly, he allowed me to pick him up...
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    Hello All, My name is Patrick, I have a three year old American short hair named Cosmo. Cosmo's original name was 302. I had given him a number instead of a normal name. I figured if Prince could have a symbol instead of a name then I could give my cat a number. Two years ago I went to the...
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    Clean Teeth?

    Hello All, Last year my vet told me that my cat should get his teeth cleaned. I looked and noticed some tarter build up, but not a whole lot. So I put it off, now it's about one year later, still not much tarter build up. Vet said they'd have to sedate him to clean his teeth. Do cats really...
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    Cat Drinks Water

    Hello All, My cat has been eating normally, but recently has increased his water consumption. I also think (not 100% sure) that he's been going to the bathroom less than usual. He still goes, just not as much as a few weeks ago. He plays, eats, and looks fine, but I know that increased water...
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    Cat Food

    Hello All, I am looking to change my cat's diet. My main goal is to stop my cat from shedding so much; I assume the product of a poor diet. 1. Are the basic brands any good; 9 lives, etc? 2. Is IAMS a good brand? 3. Are there better brands on the market that aren't too expensive? Thank you.
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    Crazy Shedding!

    Hello All, First time poster here... My three year old American short hair sheds like crazy. Hair and undercoat all over the place. I feed him decent food, and use a good brush on him at least once a week to remove any loose fur, but he still sheds like there's no tomorrow. Any ideas? Or...