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  1. X

    Toy obsession?!

    My little boy cat, Naraku, has become completely and utterly obsessed with one toy in the house. The toy being the cat dancer. He sleeps all day while I'm at work but when I come home it's hi mom, then he sits next to his toy until I play with him. Well, his toy is always in the bed room and...
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    Naruku and Nepenthe

    Hey, thanx for the warm welcome. I got some pictures uploaded of my two babies. Heads up to all the female cats my Naraku is a flirt! And here's my girl Nepenthe I call her Neppy for short. She's my lazy girl...
  3. X


    Hello fellow cat owners. I am obviously new to this forum but I am definatly not new to cats. I have 2 wonderful cats at home and they are a big part of my life. I've worked in a pet store for over 5 years so I'm fairly familiar with cat products, cat foods, and cats toys. I hope I can help...