Search Results

  1. E

    Phoebe Jane

    Some of the old members might remember me. It's been quite some time since I've been online and posted. However, I've recently gotten a new camera and I thought I would show a few pics of my girl, Phoebe. I got her almost a year ago exactly from a local shelter and she has blessed my life...
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    Cat Hair Yarn

    I know there have been a couple of threads talking about making sweaters and whatnot out of soun cat hair, but a friend just forwarded me a link to a woman who will make the yarn for you if you send her your pet's hair. I thought if anyone would be interested it would be you guys. Neat huh...
  3. E

    Favorite non-blockbuster movies?

    The worst movies ever thread made me go through our movie collection. I saw several in there that made me think, "I wonder if they've ever seen THAT one?" Here's a list of movies that I LOVE that I feel most average Joe movie watchers probably didn't watch that I would recommend: 1. The...
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    New kitten diagnosed with herpes - need opinions and advice

    Okay - so Brian and I have been trying to adopt a new kitten for around a month now. He talked to the foster mom today and it turns out that she got so sick and her eye got so bad with conjunctivitis that they were afraid at one point she was going to lose the eye. Now she's better. Still a...
  5. E

    New Camera Photoshoot w/ Miss Anya

    Our old camera died unexpectedly so we decided if we were buying a new one we were going to upgrade. Here are some of my favorite photos of Anya that we took while playing around with it. And my favorite two:
  6. E

    Our adorable furbabies: What makes your heart melt?

    Okay people. We need a happy thread. What is the adorable thing that your cat does that makes your heart just melt? Anya has favorite toys and if I go to pick up or move any of them she spazzes into a flurry of meows. She's usually a fairly quiet cat. I think its adorable that she's so...
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    Spring Classes for Men - FUNNY

    A male co-worker forwarded this to me today and thought I would appreciate it due to some of the little things I complain about at work. I realize that it is a little sexist, but feel free to substitute any gender. These are classes we could probably all take and learn a little from ...
  8. E

    Cat Tree Broken After Less than 12 Hours

    Grrrrr. I am not a happy camper. As many of you know trying to stop Anya's dangerous climbing (balancing on tops of doors, etc...) I purchased her a tall cat tree from ebay. Well, it came yesterday. Brian and I took it out of the box and constructed it as per the included directions. We...
  9. E

    Strange Things One Finds When Unpacking Boxes

    I'm holding up my end of the deal. I'm going through the boxes and listing in this thread all the weird stuff I find as proof that I'm accomplishing things and to add amusement to your lives. Night 1: I unpacked 2 garbage bags and 1 box. Some of the items I found included: A parking...
  10. E

    Moscow Cat Theater?

    Anyone heard of the Moscow Cat Theater? One of the girls I work with is originally from the Ukraine and can get cheap tickets to this show, which is coming to Los Angeles in April. Does anyone know anything about it? I've never heard of it, but I know in some shows such as this the animals...
  11. E

    Cover me ladies and gents...I'm going in.

    So Brian and I have officially lived in our apartment for a year this week. There are still boxes that have never been unpacked. There are 3-4 in the bedroom, and I actually have a japanese screen in our dining area covering up 5-6 more. Some of it is paperwork that I just need to create...
  12. E

    He/she was obviously not a cat person....

    So I get my groceries delivered. I'm originally a small town girl (population 500) and driving in Los Angeles is often just asking too much of me. Plus I'm an internet addict and the ability to shop for food online... Anyway, I put my usual Fresh Step scoopable clumping cat litter into my...
  13. E

    A special kitty needs a special name. Ideas?

    Okay, so Brian and I have been quasi arguing all day over a name for our new kitten. Because of her rarity of being a female orange tabby, and that she is a four pawed polydactyl, which is technically a mutation/defect, he wanted to name her Pickled Punk, and affectionately call her Pickle...
  14. E

    Pictures so adorable...they killed my camera.

    So my camera is officially dead. Which really stinks because we got the call tonight that we were approved as parents to a new kitty!!! Night before, however, I caught Brian and Anya snuggling on the couch and got these adorable shots. The lighting wasn't great, so some are a little fuzzy...
  15. E

    TCS will soon have a new member...

    While I was cooking dinner tonight after work, the phone rang. Brian picked up and spoke for a while and then came into the kitchen with a smile on his face. The foster mom and director chose us. The sweet little orange tabby polydactyl girl will be coming to live with us soon. They are...
  16. E

    Tell the your tree still up?

    I JUST took mine down last night. My mom was making fun of me because we never left ours up that long when I was little. We always had it down the day after Christmas. I've been so busy though that I have just put it off. So tell the truth, is your Christmas tree still up if you had one...
  17. E

    Prayers Please - My sister just had a miscarriage

    I just received a call from my mom letting me know my sister miscarried her baby earlier today. (For those who don't know my family lives on the other side of the country in Georgia.) She was only about 2 months along, but she's very upset nonetheless. She was told not to have another baby...
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    OH! I want to adopt one of these babies!!!

    I was cruising petfinder, as I often do and I would LOVE to adopt one of these little girls. I sent the link to Brian, but just last night he was saying he's hesitant about getting a friend for Anya because he's afraid that she won't accept it or her personality will change. Any hints as to...
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    She won't stop climbing!!!

    Okay, for lack of knowing where to put this thread I picked here because it is image heavy. Anya is a climber. More so than any other cat I've ever had. We've tried to cat proof our apartment accordingly but now she's taken to getting places we never imagined she could get. Here she is on...
  20. E

    Mom!!! I lost my favorite ball again!

    Pbblleeaase get it out for me??? Never mind, you take too long. I'll see if I can't get it myself. Yay!! Thanks Mom. This ball is my FAVORITE! :chew chew: :swat: :kick: Little Miss Anya ALWAYS loses her toys underneath that hutch. And she's always so cute begging you to get...