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  1. D

    Pictures Pictures!

    okay, am I the only one who is obsessed with taking pictures of me with my cats? I did get a new camera and had to test it out with of course my are a few....
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    your kitties when they were kittens.....

    boots looks so cute...can you make the pic larger or post a different one??
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    Orange Cats

    Orange Krew, that is sooo funny. My husband and I were the same way with my mom. Hoping she wouldnt notice each additional grandcat. We fostered a little orange guy we named Rusty. He was a kitten I rescued from a trash bin at work. He had gotten stuck in it and couldnt get out. He was soooo...
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    your kitties when they were kittens.....

    how cute that face is!!!!! so funny...
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    So sorry for everyone's loss....

    thank you for the thoughts....yes I know it was an accident and I didnt intentionally mean to hurt her but of course I cant help but be mad at myself for letting this happen. I was her mother and she trusted me and I let her down. That was 6 years ago and i do need to forgive myself. This is why...
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    your kitties when they were kittens.....

    I couldnt resist putting these up....this is my cat little when he was he is not so little as you will see at the end....I used to call him alien head for some reason....he was just so darn cute..... AND THIS IS HIM RECENTLY (THE ONE ON THE LEFT..) LETS SEE YOUR KITTIES WHEN...
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    Should I let my brother bring his dog?

    sorry, i just re-read your post. it says they are coming for 2 days...your cats would probably not like being locked up for 2 days....I know I couldnt do it.....hopefully you are just worrying for nothing and they dont want to bring the dog......
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    Should I let my brother bring his dog?

    I guess it depends on how long they plan on staying.... For instance, when I have a party, I always put my cats, their food and water and litterbox in my bedroom. To keep them safe and seperated. (they hide anyway when alot of people are over). You never know when someone will accidentally leave...
  9. D

    weird meowing with certain toy

    My cat Boo does this with socks. Almost every night she will find a sock and take it in her mouth and walks around the house with it and cries this really loud wierd noisy moan. She does this in the middle of the night. Almost every morning I have to go around picking up all the socks she has...
  10. D

    Cats in their boxes thread!

    Your Sash looks like by Boo....... And that Lucy is soooooooo beautiful!!! Wow... Here is my bear in the box....
  11. D

    Pictures Pictures!

    me and boo me and little me and greenlee..... I hope these are within the picture size guidelines....i believe they are....
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    Should I let my brother bring his dog?

    I agree. Even though my cats have seen a dog before and we have a dog, they are terrified of other dog's. If you could keep them totally seperated the whole time and not let your cat see him it could work, but your cat will still know that there was a dog there. Just be careful whatever you...
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    My girl passed on

    I am very sorry for your loss. I think that your cat knows in some way what is happening and probably will sense Thelma's spirit around. They have a way of coping. Maybe another kitty would be good medicine. As for you, all you can do is take one day at a time and know that you gave Thelma a...
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    So sorry for everyone's loss....

    thank you everyone for your kindness.... my daisy girl...
  15. D

    picture testing

    yay, finally pictures....
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    picture testing

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    Newbie from south florida

    thanks everyone for the welcome. I am so passionate about cats, as all of you are. I am working on the pictures, the banners you have are amazing. I need to learn how to do that. Also, to the one who said that orange cats are like chips, you cant have just one....... so true, so true....
  18. D

    Orange Cats

    thank you for making me smile....I had just left the rainbow bridge area and was in need of some laughs.....what cute orange kitties. I will now have to take some new pictures of my kitties....I have to keep up with all of these great photos you all have....
  19. D

    So sorry for everyone's loss....

    Reading all of these posts, tears running down my face.... I am so sorry for all of your losses. I felt like I have to say something to let all of you know how I feel your pain. The loss of a pet is so terribly painful. I too lost a beloved baby. She was 5 and was killed by a dog. A dog I found...