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  1. R

    Unfortunate Holiday Reminders

    Also, trust your gut. If you feel jumpy, or that something is not right, change directions, go back into the store, or get out of there fast, whatever make the most sense. Intuition, especially women's, is there for a reaseon. Use it
  2. R

    What's on the menu?

    Sounds like everyone is gunna eat alot tomorrow. I don't care for turkey much, but the CAT will take off your hand to get a piece. lol At this time of the year, I always think of what I am grateful for..and there is quite a bit. My health, the health of my family, my current financial...
  3. R

    Anybody ever reag the classic "Flowers for Algernon"??

    I read it on my own. I have a stuffed rat that I bought from IKEA that I use in my classes as "Algernon" the class mascot. Only a couple of people from each class know the reference. ( I train adults.) BTW, Cliff Robertson played Charlie in the movie.
  4. R

    Cat learned new incessant, obnoxious meow

    Yep. Time to get him neutered. His voice is changing. My old male went from a real soft mew to a loud Siamese roar at puberty.
  5. R

    How much do you have?

    No one within 50 miles of me. But my Mom and Dad are just a little more far from that..about a hour's drive.
  6. R

    Moving shoes around at night?

    Many kitties love the scent of shoes. Mine loves to sleep on my stinky Birkenstocks. I think it is a cat thing. My old cat used to steal stuff from my neighbor's garage like rugs and clothing items. He would bring me these "presents" and then graduated to birds and mice.
  7. R

    I gave Rusty a good talking to,,,,

    Sounds like Rusty liked the extra attention you gave him.
  8. R

    Update: Pictures included

  9. R

    What should I do my Psych II project on?

    I like the first topic too. Be sure to discuss women in ti too, as the problem does not apply just to men as some people assume. I wrote my Senior thesis on gender identity.
  10. R

    How did you come up with your cats name?

    Cleo was named after a real person. I work in the Social Service field. Cleo is a very attractive young woman whom I worked with about 20 years ago. My cat is beautiful too.
  11. R

    Stepping in it

    It depends on how fastidious the cat is. During the shed season, cats tend to eat more fur. BRush and comb your cat everyday. This helps keep the hair out of the belly. My cat loves to be groomed. BIG Purrs and loves. She actually comes running to me when I pick up the comb.
  12. R

    does the expensive cat food REALLY make difference?

    I asked my vet the same thing. She said that the food I feed my cat (IAMS Indoor-Hairball formula) is fine. Cleo was overweight, but that is mostly due to lack of exercise, which we have increased and she is responding positive to the increase. We cut down the portion of the food too, and I...
  13. R

    weird sounds your cats make

    Cleo sounds just like Snoopy from Peanuts when she yawns.
  14. R

    What do you miss most about your furbaby?

    I lost Kittycat (named after KIttycat in the family Circus comic) in 1990. What I miss most about him was the way he lay against my legs while I was in bed. You know, that "next to you" feeling. Secondly, I miss his BIG meow and kinked tail. He was half Siamese and half Tabby..and huge. I...
  15. R

    Will my cat get lonely?

    I am sorry for your loss. I think that Monkey will do well having another feline friend around because she is still relatively young and would probably adjust easier than an older cat.
  16. R

    Cat had a tick need help

    I am sorry that your Mom doesn't want to keep the kitty. See if you can contact a rescue like the SPCA to take him instead of the pound. They will make sure he gets a home where people will love him and take care of him.
  17. R

    Just Curious

    Cleo was spayed at 8 weeks. She is now 12 years old. Her little incision was only about an inch long when it was done and she recovered very quickly.
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    Choices for leaving cats while on vacation

    My neighbor and I exchange cat-sitting services for each other. We each leave our cats at home and the other one goes over to the apartmetn to tend to the other's kitties. We are happy, and the cats are happy too.
  19. R

    Unique coloration

    My torbi cat has an orange "lightingbolt" of color through her brown face. That and her stripes what part of what i liked about her when she chose me
  20. R

    Cats and Water

    Cleo likes the tub too. She will sit in it while the water rises abit upon her. She was sitting in an inch of water until I picked her up and put her down on the bathroom rug. Then she looked at me as if I had interrupted something. Silly cat!